1 - Barton Compromised

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Natasha POV


The man in front of me immediately lunges at me. I dodge him and kick him under the legs and watch him regain his balance. Now, he's staying on his defensive side, smart move. Honestly, he could be out by now but, I wanna have some 'fun', give me a chance. I slowly circle him and then attack, cornering him. I throw a few punches and kicks, some of which were managed to be dodged and he did the same except I blocked almost all his attacks. I jump over him, thigh around his neck and drag him down, then I put him into a tight headlock and the match ends.

"Not too bad Robert, but you need to work on your stance, use your size to your advantage" I tell him.

"Yes, ma'am" he replied.

He's not bad, if you're wondering what I'm doing here, I'm training Robert. He's currently a level 4 agent, one of the few I'm training at the moment, but only for a short term.

I see Hill walking towards me and slowly head towards her too. "Hey Hill" I say casually.
"I am to inform you that Director Fury is awaiting your presence in his office. He said to be quick and that it's important" she replied.

I walk straight out of the training room and towards his office. I knock on the door and he quickly sits me down in front of him.

"Sir?" I asked, wondering what was so urgent.

"We have a situation. Agent Barton's been compromised, we lost contact." Fury replied.

"What happened? Where is he?" I said in a cold voice, masking my worry, just like i was taught to in red room. I was worried because Agent Barton or as I would normally call him, Clint, normally went on missions with me, but not this time, this time I knew absolutely nothing about it. Just after I thought about this I immediately asked "What was his mission?"

"We lost contact with him when he was closing in on the target. He's in Washington D.C and his mission is...... classified. Fury states.

I used to be annoyed whenever Fury said that something was classified but I had come to see the reason for it. I never questioned orders, just like I was trained. "Give me the details and i'll be off." is all I say.

"Good, your flight is ready in the cargo bay ready to go, you have 10 minutes to pack your things and go find Barton" he calmly explains, while handing me the file with a stamp on it saying 'Classified'. When I open the file all the details about Clint's mission are redacted.

"Yes Sir" I nod.

I quickly walk to my room on the helicarrier and pack my essentials. I got on the quinjet set aside for me when I was done packing. I took with me, my clothes, guns, knives, holsters and fake identities amongst other things an assassin like me would need. I sit in utter silence throughout the whole ride, the only sound I could hear was the sound of the plane engines. So many ideas run through my head during the ride, trying to figure out what was Clint's mission? 4 hours later I arrived in an outskirt area in Washington D.C.

I walk out of the quinjet and see nothing but land in Washington D.C, disappointed at the state of the plain site. Agent Phil Coulson was standing in front of the entrance. He was in charge of me and Clint before I became a level 8 agent, I  don't need to call him by formalities anymore because I'm as high a level as him. "Coulson" I nod. "Natasha" is all he says, expecting me to ask something, and so I do. "Is this really the hideout? Cause I don't see anything here, all there is is land, give Fury a special note from me, do something and get a base" I am both curious and annoyed. This can't possibly be all. All Coulson does is smirk at me. After that he says, "Welcome to the base" gesturing to an empty space. I walk towards the empty space he pointed to and reach my hand out. I have my ideas about what it is, cloaking. I read about it in one of the files. "Very smart Coulson, a cloaked base" I compliment him, going around the area. "Well, since you've figured it out, shall we enter?" He asked, uncloaking the base.

I am slightly surprised once I realise that it is an aircraft base. I step inside and see a very comfortable layout in the base. Not too small and not too big. After marvelling at it all I speak again, "What's this place called?". "It's called 'The Unseen', hence the cloaking." Coulson answered. I continue to inspect the base. Looking at the main room, sleeping quarters, training area and so forth when a thought hits my mind, Barton.

Thank u to everyone who read this, please vote n comment. Also check out EstherIsAPotatoXD cause she made me get wattpad! Started November 2015

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