Chapter 3

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I texted Alex.

Ash: Are you coming over to hang out with Taylor?

Alex: Yeah. Only because Robert is dragging me along.):

Ash: Wanna hangout instead?(:


Ash: Somebody is happy(:

Alex: I thought you were never gonna ask me(:

Ash: Well I did. Pick me up in 5?(:

Alex: I will definitely be there.

Five minutes later, Alex was here.

''Babe, I'm going to hang out with Alex.'' I said kissing Austin.

''But I thought you were gonna be here with me and Taylor?''

''If you don't want anything to happen, like I promised, I think it would be safe to leave.''

''Your right. Just, be careful Baby.'' He kissed me.

''I will have Alex. It's all good.''

''He better not let anything happen to you. Or else.'' He growled.

''Babe. Calm down. I love you. Don't do anything with Taylor.''

''Pinky promise!'' He wrapped his huge pinky around my tiny and petite one.

''I love you.''

''I love you too Ashlynn.''

I practically ran to Alex's car.

''Thank GOD you wanted to hangout today!'' Alex exclaimed.

''I know. I'm glad you didn't want to be with her either.''

''Well if you would have stayed there, I know you probably would have beat the shit out of her.'' He laughed.

''I know. I hope Austin is smart enough not to fall for anything.''

''If he does, Robert is there. Text him and tell him to keep an eye on Austin.''

''Good idea.''

I pulled out my phone. I scrolled through my contacts until I found 'MySexay(;'

Robert put that as his name a long time ago.

Ash: Robert, please, please make sure Austin doesn't do anything stupid.

Rob: I promise Sexay(;

Calling eachother 'Sexay' was our thing.

Ash: Thanks Sexxaayyy(: So if they go in for a kiss, clear your throat or something. If he does anything stupid, you better tell me right away. If you don't you won't be me Sexxaayyy anymore!

Rob: Then I shall tell you immidiately. I couldn't live without my Sexay):

Ash: Aww(': I couldn't live without you either Sexxaayyy.

That was the end of our conversation.

''So, Rob said if anything happens, he will tell me immidiately. It probably helps that I threatened him.'' I giggled.

''What did you threaten him?''

''I told him he wouldn't be my sexay anymore.''

''Wow. He gave in to that. Oh my.''

''I know.''

Soon we were at North Star mall.

''Where do you want to hit up first?'' Alex asked.

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