Chapter 2

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~5 weeks later~

Perrie was laying awake thinking about Jade tears slowly forming in the corner of her eyes, the last 5 weeks have been hell. finding out that Jade has a boyfriend, seeing them at the dance together, watching him touch and kiss what should be hers. Perrie wipes away her tears and turns to check the time 3:00am, "Fuck" she mumbles knowing she has to wake up in 3 hours for another torturous day of work. She returns to her previous position and picks up her phone, looking at a picture she found of Jade, sighing before closing her eyes sleep soon coming over her.


Jade woke up to the sound of her alarm, quickly grabbing her phone and turning it off hoping not to wake up Ryan. She got up and headed to the bathroom, she quietly closed and locked the door. She stood in front of the mirror feeling disgusted with herself, she hated being with Ryan but she needed a distraction from Perrie seeing that Leigh had gone to visit her sister in Perth. The past 5 weeks have been so hard, just knowing she would never be loved back, it felt like her heart was being broken every day. She wiped away the tears that had started to fall down her cheeks before getting ready for school.

~At school~

Jade walked in quickly realising that she was the first one there. She looked over at Perrie who was looking at her phone tears falling down her cheeks not noticing Jade, "Miss Edwards are you okay?" Jade said placing her things on the desk and walking over to Perrie trying not to seem too eager to comfort her. "Oh... um... Yes I'm sorry" she replied turning off her phone and hiding her face "your obviously not, listen I know I'm your student and I'm sorry if this is weird or inappropriate but if you ever want to talk, I'm always here" Jade said wiping away Perrie's tears. "Thank you Jade" Perrie replied not wanting the moment to end. "Anytime" Jade replied as she walked over to her seat and pulled out her notebook, scribbling down random things waiting for the bell to go.

~Later that day~

Perrie was walking to her year 11 English class which luckily for her meant seeing Jade, but sadly also meant seeing her with Ryan. She opened the door and let the students in, noticing that the brunette beauty was alone. About ten minutes into the lesson Ryan walked in loudly and sat next to Jade grabbing her face and kissing her roughly before facing the front. "So you decided to show mr Grey" Perrie said frustrated "oh yeah sorry miss I was busy" Ryan said rudely. Jade slapped his leg looking at him angrily, "Ryan you can't keep walking in late!" Jade whispered firmly "well I like doing it, everyone gets to watch me kiss you and I get to watch bitch face get angry" Ryan said grabbing Jades face again kissing her. "Yeah well I don't! And don't you ever call her that again!" Jade said pulling away and slapping Ryan. "Is everything okay over there?" Perrie asked concerned "yes miss Edwards, everything's fine" Jade replied sending Perrie a reassuring smile "okay then, please focus" Perrie said before continuing the lesson.

"Okay so getting back to it, I have another assignment for you and before you moan and groan it's very straight forward and you should be able to complete it very easily" "oh and it's a partner assignment" Perrie quickly added

"Ah miss?" Asked a student

"Yes Tyler?"

"Do we get to choose our partner?"

"No sorry, I won't be having a replay of the last partnered assignment we had" Perrie said giggling adorably

"Okay so Dylan you will be partnered with Alexis, Jesy with Tara, Carl with Ben, Ryan with Cassy..."

"What that's bullshit!" Ryan yelled angrily

"Excuse me Ryan!" Perrie replied firmly

"I said thats bullshit!" Ryan replied clenching his fists and standing up

"Forget it, it's not worth it" Jadr whispered to Ryan not wanting him to hurt Perrie as he has a slight well more than slight anger issue

"What do you think your doing mr Grey!?" Perrie yelled

"Nothing, it doesn't matter!" Ryan replied sitting back down kissing Jade

~skip the partners~

"And Jade your with Leigh Anne" Perrie finished

After Perrie finished explaining what the assignment was about and handed out the assignment sheets the bell went signalling lunch time.

"Good afternoon class" Perrie said as the students started to pile out

"Hey miss Edwards can I have a..." Jade was interrupted

"Come on babe, I want you" Ryan said

"Hold on" Jade said facing miss Edwards again

"Now!" Ryan yelled

"Coming" Jade replied reluctantly looking at Perrie sadly, Perrie stood up and went on o speak but stopped herself when Jade mouthed an its okay.

Perrie's POV

To Ellie 😊
Why is she with him, she obviously doesn't love him and he's such an ass to her and everyone else!, God I wish she was mine. Life is so unfair 😥😥

After I sent the message I went back onto Instagram stalking jades profile.

From Ellie😊
Aww babe, maybe try talking to her even telling her how you feel. I'm coming down this weekend so we can have a party for two Hehe

To Ellie😊
I wish I could but I'm too scared. That sounds perfect babe can't wait hehe xx

From Ellie😊
Great I'll be counting the hours xx

I put my phone back in my pocket and finished marking some tests.

Just The Beginning|J.T.|Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat