Chapter 10

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About an hour ago i decided i wanted to go for a stroll through the streets. The side streets around Time Square really weren't too crowded, it was the worst from 12-4 and 7-10 everyday. But looking out my window this morning, the roads looked fairly appealing to me. The sun shone brightly over the skies and the warmth was in the air.

Walking past the tourists always filled me with pride that others seemed to like my home so much.

I walked along for a fairly long time until my phone buzzed in my pockets, drawing my attention away from an attractive man with dark brown hair and stubble lining his jaw.

It was my friend, Jacob.

Want 2 hang out? Haven't seen you in ages! How was the trip? I found some pretty weird rumours when i searched you up this morning.

I replied instantly remembering his kind face.

Well, not all of those things are lies.😏 Sure. Want to go to the park or something?

I sent the message, continuing to walk along the road. Crap. The guy was gone. Subtly, i looked over my shoulder, he wasn't even there. Buzz.

K. Meet you there in a half hour? WHAT? ITS NOT ALL LIES! 😱

I smiled at that. He was such a sweet heart.

See u then.

I tucked my phone away into my pocket and kept walking down the road. Eventually i got down to Central Park, a common place for me and Jacob to hand out. We usually went off into some far corner under a random tree and just talked.

Recently, Jacob's mother passed away of Pulmonary Cancer. His heart was broken and so was mine. She was such a wonderful woman with white hair beyond her years.

She always love me since the last year of high school when Jacob moved to Manhattan for grade twelve. I was great full for him. I wasn't having the best high school years and Jacob's presence was a blessing.

I wandered into the park and texted Jacob where i was. It took a while but he came eventually, his bright green hair catching my eyes.

"Jacob! You died your hair while i was gone!" I smiled at him, reaching my hands around his slim body to give him a hug.

"Yeah!" He replied, "but i don't want to talk about my hair" he interrupted, "did you or did you not kiss the Bloom?"

"I did." I squealed, grabbing at his hands, almost forgetting the hate i implanted in my own mind.

"What was it like?" He asked, his eyes lighting up. "Describe it!"

"Jacob, no!" I laughed, "I'm not going to describe  the kiss to you."

"Fine." He sulked a bit. "Its so nice to see you again, Ann." He flashed me a sad smile that meant he was having troubles again.

Since his mother's death, he's been acting strange. Every now and then i can see he develops a mild case of depression. He wont want to talk, his conversation is to the point and he seems mostly gloomy. I hate to see him that way.

"Jacob, whats wrong?" I said, dropping his warm hands.

"Oh, nothing!" He forced a smile.

"I haven't been here to be with you for the past week now. But i've been home for a good few days now. Why didn't you text? Call?" I felt a but worried, looking at his sorry eyes.

"I have been feeling a bit under the weather." He admitted.

"We'll get you back on your feet." I said, my voice reassuring and warm.

Jacob and I sat around the park for ages and just talked. We talked a lot about my trip. The feelings in my stomach turned to knots when i told him absolutely everything. He listened. Smiled. Replied.

Im so fortunate to have him... After about two hours under the shade and tree, i looked down to my phone. I had an Email.

My breath caught in my throat.

God. God no no no.

From: The executive of Orlando Bloom

Ann Peters,
Its very nice to be able to message you now. Mr. bloom has requested you come and see his once more in Hollywood this upcoming weekend for a gathering. Please let us know if you can attend, thank you.

Sunday, Aug. 6th, 20--


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