Chapter 8

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Dear mrs. peters,

First of all, we are terribly sorry to bother you but for People Magazines new catalog we would be honoured if you could take the time to be interviewed for us. We could send you over a representative to your home or if you preferred, to a local office. The interview would obviously be on your recent visit to Hollywood to meet Orlando Bloom and if you could get back to us as soon as possible using an eMail, we would greatly be in your thanks.

Madeline Hatcher with People Magazine 20--

Looking down at the paper in my hand, a sudden sense of worry came over me. They wanted an interview. Looking up to my stern mother, she sighed.

"What is it?" She asked. "Tell me."

"The People Magazine want an interview." I sighed back, letting my emotions rush to my hands, crushing the envelope into a ball.

"Well, how are you going to turn them down?" She huffed, her hands reaching up to cross her chest. The light from the window in our kitchen apartment flooded brightly through the room. The high, high building left us in the skies of Manhattan in the late afternoon.

I shot a look up at her in shock. "Why should i deny them?" I asked. "Why should i hide?"

"Because your going to be asked obvious questions!" She raised her voice, causing me to raise my own. Like a chemical reaction.

"Yes! Well... Well i wont answer them all!" A faint laugh escaped my lips, letting the envelope be crushed in my fingers.

She gave an exasperated sound and spoke, "No. No you will not!"

"I will!" The interview gave me a chance to speak on my experiences. I was certainly going to do that. "Yes.yes. Yes! Im gonna be totally fine, mom."

"Un hun." She nodded questioningly. "Of course you will! Because you, Ann, are all grow up! Im glad that some day you'll move out, my dear, because i don't know how much more of you nonsense i can handle!" Of course she wanted me gone... But i was only just finished University!

"Mom!" I shouted, almost tossing the papers down on the ground. She was infuriating me...

"Just- i don't care! Do what you want." I could see her pressing her lips into a line, frustration taking her.

"I will." I muttered under my breath, walking away to my bedroom. I yanked out my lap top in utter fury and pulled up my Gmail. I aggressively copied the Email from the letter into the slot, and typed up a response.

Ms. Hatcher,

Thank You so much for your mail! I would be delighted to do an interview on my experiences with Mr. Bloom. I would also prefer to meet with a representative in another destination, other than my home.

Thank You for your offer,
Ann Peters

Send. Send. Send. I wanted the words off my computer. My disobedience gone. I wanted everyone to stop talking around me because it felt like i had my head in a box full of snakes like on Fear Factor. I almost bit my pillow, hard.

When i was a child and had to sit through my parent's bickering, i always stormed to my room and bit down on the nicest, pinkest, most perfect pillow i had. I acted like a dog, no, an animal.

I just lay there on my bed thinking of the questions they might ask me. I suddenly felt scared... Almost nervous. What had i done.

Then, a severely harsh stinging erupted from behind my eyes through my frustration. Breathing heavily, i just lay there and let the tears roll down my cheeks, gliding past my now wet ears. I couldn't help it.

Reaching for my phone, i went onto my Instagram blog, found the best edit i've ever done. 300 full likes and just stared at it. I could feel the tears turning to anger again while i looked at Orlando's face with the Elf costume on.

Then, without even thinking, i pressed the trash button. It made me feel strong... Almost.

As i went through deleting all the pictures and all my progress, i cleared my bio and changed my password. Random letters scrawled across the key board.

Having one last firm look at my followers,all four thousand, i pressed settings. Butting my tongue, i pictured Orlando's smiling face, my finger hovering over 'log out'. Anyone else would think it never mattered.

Who actually cared? With that, i let my finger fly to the screen and press the button.

Just laying there for a moment at what i'd just done to four years of my time, i never even cried.

I put the right foot forward. Maybe it was time i grew up? I smiled. I was growing up and now it was time to start. Getting rid of my stupid idol ideas once and for all.

Just My luck (Orlando Bloom Fan Fiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz