Chapter 8

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*"zoe... Jai's friend passed away last night"*

As soon as I heard that my heart broke. That's why he was calling me and I didn't even ring back I'm such a terrible girlfriend.

"W-who?" I stuttered

"Bailey wigged, one of Jai's school friend" Sarah is giving me a hug.

I have been such a bitch of a girlfriend.

"I have to go, I need to talk to Molly" I get up and ran out the door to Molly's room

I open the door to see Molly on her computer typing away, she looks up at me.

"Honey what's wrong?" Molly gets up and comes over to me. She puts her arms around me and hugs me.

"Jai's friend passed away and Jai was calling me and every time I missed it o didn't call back"

"Do you want to see him?"


"Okay I'll get a plane for tomorrow morning, as for now get some sleep and maybe give him a call?"

**later that day**

After Molly and I had a talk I went to see Sarah and we had a talk about everything and it's 6:00pm now and Sarah has gone so I can give Jai a call.

"Hey" I hear the sadness in Jai's voice

"Hey babe, how are you feeling?" I already know the answer but I want to hear it from him

"Shit, I hate feeling like this"

"It's ok to feel shit Jai, Im coming to see you tomorrow, I'm so sorry I missed your calls I'm such a bad girlfriend, I'm sorry"

"Zoe it's ok I promise, I can't wait to see you, I just want to cuddle you"


"I need to talk to you, but I'll talk to you tomorrow, I love you Zoe"

"Ok, I love you more Jai goodbye"


I went to bed and straight to sleep since I have to get up early.


"Hey"  i close the door after Beunka walked in, I haven't seen her in so long because of my job and I'm with Zoe now.

"Hey.. Is your mum home?"

"No she went to see baileys parents"

"I'm so sorry Jai, I wish this didn't happen to you"

"Thanks bee"

"Let's go to your room and talk" beunka said

We walk to my room, I hope I get to see Zoe soon, I want to see her so bad.

Beunka and I talked about everything, it was great to talk to her again. I missed this.

"Jai I have to tell you something.."


"Jai I still love you"

I was shocked by this because it's been almost two years, I would have thought that beunka would have moved on by now.

"Do you love me?"

I just look at her, do I? I mean I'll always love her but I thought I love her as a friend? Maybe... Maybe not...

**ZOE POV** present time

I was on my way to jais house, I got him some movies and a new iPhone cover (on side) that has a sick surfboard photo on it, I knew he loved surfing be chase of his room, wall and on his free time he goes surfing. I got out of the car and walked to the door. I pull the door open and walk in.

"Jai?" I call out

I turn around to close the door and I hear feet hitting the floor, I smile.

"ZOOEEE!" I turn around and as I do Jai gives me a tight hug and put his head in my neck. I hug him back, I smile so much I have missed this kid so much.

" I missed you so much" I say in his neck

"Same Zoe"

"I got you something" I pull out the movies, shallow Hal, dumb and dumber 2, pitch perfect 2.

"And...." I pull a iPhone cover

"Zoe that's sick" his smile grows. If his happy I'm happy

He hugs.

"Thanks you didn't have to"

"Nah it's ok" I out my hand in his and we walk to his room. I look around and his room is kind of clean there are some clothes around but I don't mind.

"Do you want to watch the movies now, and we will talk later just to get your mind off it?" I ask

"Yes please" we walk to his bed and I get in one side.

"Do you want some food?"

"Nah it's okay I'm not hungry, I just want to cuddle you and watch dumb and dumber 2" I smile at the end when I see him smile.

"Okay" he walks over and gets in, I love his big doona cover, it's white and it goes with his room.

"I love your room" I say to Jai

"Thanks" he laughs

He gets his Mac out and puts the movie in, we laugh at all the silly things they do and say, I'm glad that I get to make him happy and that I get to see him like this. The first movie we watch ends and Jai turns to me.

"What?" I laugh starts to go dead

" I need to talk to you"


"Well yesterday beunka my ex came over... And she was just here to talk and we were talking and out of no where she asked if I love her..."

I was shock as Jai said this.. What is he trying to say?

"Yeah.... What did you say?" I start going sad maybe jais doesn't love me anymore

" I said I have a beautiful girlfriend who I love more then anyone but mum, I did love you two years ago and I told her to move on it's not good for her"

I just smile and kiss Jai.

"I'm glad you told me that, I love you"

"I love you too"

For the rest of the day we just cuddle and talk about everything from celebrating gossip to the world, then Bailey.

"Babe, can I ask when's his funeral? "

"Tomorrow.. Can you come with me?" He turns to me

"Sure, yes I'll come with you"

"Great" he smiles.

So do I.

But you promised ||~Jai Waetford~||~1D~||Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora