12) Kill The Dark One

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"I am not a man to be toyed with, I'm not just the Dark One. I am a ruler, a lover, and a father. Now, it's going to stay that way until my very last breath. Anyone who dares break it, with feel the wrath on my damned hand crushing their heart before their very eyes. I may act like a monster, but at least I am not a selfish one. I'm better than that." He cringed, starring at the ground, containing his anger. "I won't die because I refuse to follow only mere order by the darkness. I killed Rumpelstiltskin, and I knew what my future held. I am the darkness, and you obey me."

You speak honest words, all mighty Dark One. For now, I shall follow your order, but never will I stay at bay for long...

Still standing by the gates, he hissed as the weight of the inner darkness in his heart left, but he knew it'd only be for such some time. "Damn that creature, it's tempting words do nothing on me." His anger only flared, hearing the sound of his knights returning. Raising his head, he looked at the first one. "I ordered you to fight in battle, not to return with clean swords!" With one foul strike, he slammed the knight's helmet off, revealing nothing but black smoke to freely roam. "You're not humans, you're all buckets of dark magic in armour! You fools, don't come back until you have something worth while!"

"Oh, so your saying a princess isn't worth it?" A voice asked from behind all his knights. "So am I going to leave or stay?" The Dark One turned his head back, thinking his own eyes deceived him as he never thought he'd ever hear that soft, heart warming and demanding voice ever again. "Swan?" The knights movies along, leaving a narrow path between the two star-crossed lovers. Their eyes pierced through each other's should like flaming arrows, both returning a smile. "Swan!"

He didn't bother to appear before her in the blink of an eye, but instead he ran. Oh, for he ran towards her with every beat of his withered heart. He scooped her up into his arms, a smile as bright as the sun plastered to his face. The princess happily opened herself to him, her arms around his neck as he couldn't hold his joy and kept spinning with her like a ballroom dance. "I missed you..." He said, tears in his eyes and there heads close to touch. She chuckled, glancing over his shoulder observing the complete wreck he made, "I can tell!"

"Dad! Dad! Dad! Dad! Dad! Dad!" A loud voice called out, but before the Dark One could pull Emma away from the sound, a sudden attack to his back only made him laugh. His son, Liam, decided to jump on his back for a ride or just for some fun. Pulling him off his shoulders, he hugged Liam, "You've grown so much lad! You're only five! Not twelve!" The young boy smiled, ruffling his father's hair like he always had whenever overjoyed. "I know...not that I mind!" He laughed, still attached to his father's back like a loving glue.

The knights cleared, heading back to the forest to head back to battle. The Dark One caught glimpse of two other people, a man and a young boy, both in royal clothes. "Emma, love...who're these people you've brought upon my castle grounds?" The two came forward, the young boy taking a small bow. "My name's Prince Neal of the Enchanted Forest. If you wish to be more clear, I am Princess Emma's younger brother." The man behind him approached, but for this one the Dark One was wary.

"You're not apart of her bloodline, and I can see it in your eyes; dull and unrelated. Who're you to dare cross paths with me?" He unsheathed his sword, it's end grazing the prince's neck. Neal jumped, pulling the sword off of him, "He's a friend! He was jailed by our father, and he escaped in order to help get us here. If anything, you should be thankful." He raised a brow, looking from the boy and back to the man he held back. Sighing, he drew back his blade.

"Very well, the prince may stay...although, I expect him in my studies within an hour. No questions, my son will lead the way. Emma dear, you're following with me." He gestured, pulling lightly on her head. She gladly took him by the hand, following him into through the castle walls. The chatter from outside came to a close as the two walked deeper into the Dark Castle. She looked high and low, smiling of what great memories held in the castle. Except, her bright smile turned to a frown as the two walked through the gallery.

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