3) I Love It Here

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Sweeping away in the throne room, she panics as she starred at the watch the Dark One gave her. To remember when something must be done, and when something mustn't be done at all. It's been four days since since she became his little pet, and those were the three worst days of her entire life. The throne room was to be cleaned and polished by early dinner and it was already a quarter to five. She didn't even get to the polishing yet, and she was sure he'd scold her for this.

Throwing the broom across the room, it landed right where it was meant to be- beside the bookshelf. She hurried, picking up the bucket of water and scraping the wet sponge on ever place of furniture there was. Taking out her watch, she only had five minutes left. Turning around, she observed the room, checking if everything was in place. She just about to put the bucket & sponge away until she gasped.

The top shelf of his trophy case was too dusty. She could've sworn she cleaned it a second ago. Grabbing a wooden stool, she reached up and wiped the dust off of his shelf, and climbed back down sighing in relief. Carrying her supplies back down to her new room, she stored them in her small closet. The Dark One was kind enough to give her a decent room, since a dungeon didn't have the proper room o store away dirtier objects. Collapsing on her small yet soft bed, she starred into the ceiling, the small fainted designs soothing her.

She turned her head to the right, looking out her window and watching the sun hide behind the mountains. She smiled, for she will never get old from the view. In her kingdom, the princess was to always have the room closest to the front of the castle so the sun could be seen from behind as a loving scene. The princess hated that, she didn't want that at all. Her room now in the Dark One's castle, was from behind. She would always see the sun set, and it was beautiful. For once in her life, she didn't mind living the life of the Dark One's servant. For once in her life, she enjoyed it.

Her mind were so in depth of such a view she didn't even hear, see, or feel someone's presence behind her. A finger roughly tapped he shoulder, scaring he out of her wits. She jumped, and turned around. She was usually terrified to see him in her room unnoticed, but she's been with this monster for a while, and has gotten used to it; even if it was only around a week.

"For you, princess." He bowed, handing her a single white rose without thorns along with a swan's feather tied to its stem. The princess blushed, surprised he would ever hand her such a thing. She slowly reached out her hand, and held it in her hand. "Thank you...w-why'd you give it to me?" She asked, still a bit frightened of him. "I was running an errand and came across a rose bush."

He smiled, stepping up from the foot of her bed and about to walk out, "I thought you'd need a reward for your hard work. Be grateful I even stepped into your room." He carefully shut the door, and shed hear the sound of his heavy leather boots fading as he went farther down the hall. She only continued to look down at the rose, still smiling at what she hand at the palm of her hand.

She gently separated the feather from the rose stem, and out fell a note. She bent over and picked it up from the floor. She questioned the paper. A note from her parents? A spell? Unrolling it, to her utter disappointment it was a note from the Dark One.

Gifts are gifts, and rules are rules. Dining hall, immediately.

She wasted no time to pick herself from her bed to run down the hall. She wouldn't dare disobey him, she would have her head for that. Turning through many lefts and rights, she panted as she stood in from of the entrance to the dining hall. Also, where he kept his prized findings. She has been inside many times, but never has she ever went inside to meet him for a task. It was a task always demanded in person, or with magic mirrors laying around.

Pushing the two doors open, she walked through and found the place a huge cluttered mess. She moped, "Must I clean this up? It's obvious it was you who did this to the room!" She immediately regretted her words. Speaking to the Dark One was bad, but yelling at him was far worse. Except, he did nether, and only chuckled. "No, no, no! I will clean up this mess, but I do need you to run an errand for me."

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