8) Stop A War And Create Chaos

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Prince Eric and Princess Emma became good friends, but both agreed not to marry despite their parents wishes. Today, they were talking by the front balcony where the sun set was use behind them. Emma sighed, resting her head on the glass table. Eric asked, "What's wrong? Don't like the view?" She shook her head, "It's not that I hate it. It's just, I'm tired of just starring at my kingdom every time before bed. I want to see something new. An ocean, the beach, even a damn forest would be great. Instead, I've been starring at the same damn houses for twenty-two years..."

"You're not twenty-two, your twenty-eight your highness. Oh, let me guess. The Dark One put you in a dungeon? It's a different scenery at least." He answered, but she only shook her head. "No, he actually put me in a room with a real bed, not from the start at though. The view, I actually got to see the sun set behind a few mountains and seeing a few trees down in the forest below, it was beautiful."

"Tell me more about him. I know he's the Dark One, but the way he treats you in unheard of. I'd like to know how this I've story first started." Eric said, his hand over her's to assure her she wasn't alone on this. "Thank you."

It was hectic back in the Dark Kingdom. Ever since the princess' return home, the residence of the Dark Kingdom knew they were in a heap of trouble. Without the princess there to calm him down, and his son too young to understand, he'd have uncontrollable outbursts he'd take out on nearby villagers. That night, he returned home to tend to his son, but beforehand he crossed paths with a villager he saw trying to leave his kingdom.

Without a warning, he violently shoved his hand into the villager's chest, crushing it from the inside. Pulling out his hand, all that came our we're ashes as he shoved the lifeless body to the ground. Once again after many years, his kingdom grew to fear the Dark One.

His son, Liam, started growing onto his father. Since his mother was of a mortal family, while the father an immortal being, the boy grew faster than normal. He was only five and a half, yet he held the body of a boy at the age of eight or nine. Once in a while, the boy would go out into the village. The villagers would beg that his father spare their lives, but the young boy wouldn't laugh. He wouldn't play with them, he wouldn't make deals. He'd simply say, "No. Your fault, your problems." Then he'd walk back to the castle, just to do the same thing over and over again each day.

Even with a rage no one could tame, he knew his son shouldn't be here. He wanted his son to be like his mother; strong, fearless, and true hearted. Just staying here, he knew his son would never have the chance to be.

The next day, he spoke with his son, "Liam, I know you want to be just like your mother, but staying here? You'll only end up like me. Dark, heartless, and a living monster. Your mother wouldn't want that for you, would she?" He shook his head, "No, she wouldn't. Where am I going?" He sighed, "You're going to your mother's place, and you are to stay there. Don't come back, don't look back, and don't you dare talk back. You're going, and that's final."

"Wait, wait, wait! Dad-" It was too late, he had already teleported his son to her castle, his belongings as well. He looked away, for he couldn't stand to open his eyes and know he sent his only son away. His own flesh and blood, his creation, and he was gone.
Emma sat by the fire, reading books on forbidden relationships, for that was all she could do. Eric sat across from her, eating an apple while poking the fire out of boredom. The two were suddenly disturbed as two guards burst through, "Princess, there's someone here to see you..."

She didn't know what to expect, but her and Eric walked downstairs to the main floor and found a young boy being put down with four knights pointing their swords at him defensively. "State your name, rank and intention boy!" The boy spoke sarcastically, "My name's Liam, I'm technically a prince, and I'm here because my father said so! Now put me down or I'll knock you out like butterflies!"

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