Chapter Three: a day spent with evil

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Lucy opened her eyes. Her eyes stinging from the bright light of morning shining through her window. She stretches and sits up. She looks and sees him sleeping peacefully. She only forgot Zeref spent the night here.

She looked at him. He was snoring but, it was so quiet and light. Then she saw it. It was laying next to him on the floor. The book of E.N.D. Her heart beat went faster. She decided to take a closer look at it so, she squated down to it. Looking at Zeref to make sure he was still sleeping, she gently traced her fingers along the books cover.

"Natsu..." Zeref mumbled in his sleep.

'How does he know him?' She wonders. She wants to ask him so badly. Picking up the book, Lucy sits onto the bed. She looks at the books back cover, feels the edge of the pages. Smells it. She felt weird doing that but, she always likes the smell of books. This book smelled like old leather and the pages were like mildew and dust. "Wow... You are old." She says to the book. The celestial wizard was tempted to open it but, thought better of it. It was too dangerous. She never wanted this demon to be released.

Zeref opens his eyes suddenly and grabs the book out of her hands, "what are you doing?" His eyes were red and angry.

"I... I saw it laying there and I just wanted to check it out. I wasn't going to open it or anything!" She defended herself.

"Don't touch it ever again."

"That book must be important to you. I doubt you treat any of your other demons like that." She tells him.

He looks away from her staring off into the distance, "you're pretty smart."

"Who is E.N.D anyways?"

"Why would you like to know? So you can tell your friends?"

"Uh... No... Well, if they needed to yes I would," she tried to act tough from his harsh words but, it didn't work out.

"And that's why I'll never tell you. You'll put him in danger."

"Danger? I thought a demon could protect itself? He is one of your strongest."

"But, he's only a wizard right now."

"What....?" Lucy was confused.

"I already said too much. Can I take a shower?"

She nods. He gets up and opens the bathroom door.

"I think I'm actually going to take a bath. It'll calm me down."

"Alright, I can get it running for you," Lucy stands up and walks into the bathroom. She plugs the drain, turns the water on to the temperature she likes it, and squeezes some bubble soap in there, "here you go, just got to wait a few minutes till its ready," she watched as the water turned lilac pink from the soap. When she turns around to leave though she sees the black wizard without a shirt. She just stares at him and her cheeks turn red.

His black eyes catch hers, "Lucy?"

'Why is this happening? My heart it's beating so fast and out of rhythm... I've seen Natsu and grey and all them shirtless so why is he different? Is it just because he's Zeref and it's odd that he's even in my apartment about to take a bath? What is wrong with me?

"Lucy....?" Zeref says again breaking her out of her thoughts.

"Yes? What?"

He's smiling at her, "are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah! I'm great! Why wouldn't I be?!" She laughs nervously with her hand behind her head as she walks out the door. She shuts it behind her.

Zeref just stood and watched the door, "okay... Then...." He was confused, "that was odd."

Light to my darkness (ZerefxLucy)Where stories live. Discover now