March 9th, 2018

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Dear Diary,

So, Phil and I broke up last night.

It was a mutual decision. Neither of us had wanted it to come to this, but it's for the best in the long term. We've tried to forget about what happened but it's just too difficult. It's not exactly the easiest thing to think about, and I just feel like it's been constantly weighing us down and this relationship hasn't been healthy for a very long time.

I'm sure we'll both still remain good friends. We've agreed that he will have custody over Dil most of the time; with everything going on in my head recently, I'm not entirely sure I can trust myself having full responsibility over another human's life.

It's shit but it's just the way things need to be. No matter what I'll always love him but this time it's over. For good.

Signing out,

Dan :(

P.S. Just kidding ;)

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