November 19th, 2017

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Dear Diary,

Phil got a promotion today! He's now the assistant manager - or something like that - of the gaming shop in town, and he's so happy! Honestly, seeing him come through the front door with such a big smile on his face has made my entire month. He works so, so hard and now his hard work is being recognised and appreciated, it warms my heart.

I spent the majority of the day watching CBeebies with Dil. Although I feel like I was far more interested in the Teletubbies and Clifford the Big Red Dog than he was. He spent the majority of the time fast asleep on my chest! Oh well, I guess it gives me a reasonable excuse to sit and watch childrens' cartoons all day without being judged by my friends. They don't have to know that the child the programmes are actually targeted towards so ends the majority of his lifetime asleep.

I never realised how much babies sleep!! All Dillon ever seems to do is sleep, and the rest of the time he's crying or eating. He's basically me just in a baby form where it's seen as being "normal" and "acceptable behaviour". Man, sometimes I wish I was still a child. Is that weird? Probably.

Phil doesn't know but I'm hiring a babysitter tomorrow night. I've booked a table at this new Italian restaurant that's opened in town - I'm surprising him with a date night. It's been a while since we've gone out just the two of us, and I know it's the little things he appreciates the most. It'll be nice to have some downtime to enjoy eachother's company. I can't wait! I just hope he doesn't read this before tomorrow night..

Signing out,

Dan :)

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