Chapter 1

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"Oh my goodness!!!! I am so late!!!", I exclaimed as I jumped out of bed. I had an interview to attend at 10:00am and it was 9:20am already. Who arrives late at their own interview. No one else but Siphiwe. I quickly went down on my knees and thanked God for keeping me to see a new day and waking me up at least a few minutes before the interview. I had to do what I usually do at this point in my life, wash just the most important, very necessary parts and dip myself in a bottle of perfume. I was so angry at myself for waking up that late because the night before, I was busy liking the pictures of those type of jaw dropping girls on Instagram. Before you say anything, yes!!! Yes!!!! I am one of those stalkers. I could be on Instagram for three hours stalking my destiny out of people. I just don't know who create things like this. I have wasted half of my life on Instagram, that I am sure of. Anyway, I was already done with my improvised bathing by 9:45am, so I called a cab to come pick me up at my apartment.

Locking the door, after I already got a call from the cab driver, I went to the elevator to get downstairs on time but guess what? Yup!!! The elevator was FULL so I had to take the stairs instead. I was literally jumping like two to four stairs while running down. I brought out my Siphiwe of the jungle self. I got to the first floor finally and then went out to look for the cab. I was a bit puzzled when I got out because I couldn't see a cab looking vehicle. All of a sudden, a black fancy car drove up right in front of me. "Asked for a cab?", the guy in the car asked. I was still baffled but nodded my head slightly. "You can come in", he said as he unlocked the doors to the car. Still puzzled, I hopped in the front seat and asked if this was the cab I had asked for. He nodded his head and started the engine as we drove off. Not to exaggerate, but the cab looked fancier than the car I was hoping to buy. "Oh well", I whispered to myself.

Finally, we got to the front of the very tall building, my soon to be office, hopefully. I paid the cab driver and ran off to the front desk in the building.

Obviously I don't mean ran "like a cheetah". I quickly walked to the front desk and told the lady behind that I was there for an interview. "Are you Siphiwe Adams?" The lady behind the desk asked. "Yes I am", I replied. "You're fifteen minutes late for your interview", she said. "Tell me about it", I whispered to myself. She made a call and told the person on the phone that I was here for an interview. I couldn't hear all was being said but one word I was able to hear was "late". At that moment, I knew I might have blown my chance of getting a job. "follow me, please", the lady said as she led me to the elevator where we went up to the fifth floor. She finally brought me to the front of a door, knocking, we entered. "This is miss Siphiwe sir", she said to the man who was backing us and staring out the window. "Thank you miss Vanessa", he said as he waved her off and turned to face me. "You're late!!!"

"You're late!!!"



I know this chapter is really short but the other chapters will definitely be longer. This is just an intro. You know what I mean.

I want to hear from you reader so tell me what you think so far and leave your comments below. If I don't get a feedback, I'll probably have to quit writing so it won't all be a waste so please, your comments and vote do help. It means you want to see more chapters rolling in. Thanks.

What do you think will happen next!!!

And don't worry this book isn't going to be a cliché type of book.....Just keep reading, and you'll see ;)

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