tv shows

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1) ( tmnt fans this is for you!!)
when you learn that on tmnt
There's a new ship and its woth your favorite turtle/character and you sit there like you was supossed to wait for me
But then you say screw it cause your just done with the FEELS that you go back to the other series
(Mine is 2003 tmnt so much more kick but action!)

2) when your favorite characters die off the show and you walk away from your tv/laptop/phone/ipad/ watever and come back woth a base ball bat and destoys it while saying NO JUST NO! YOU CANT TAKE MY LIFE AWAY!!

3) when the show ends and never plays again unexpectedly without warning and you sit there like I will find you makers ill kidnap you and force you to make more

4) your main favorite characters goes out with your least favorite character and it just like cupid is just sitting their laughing at the mess he's made

5) when the story that use to make sense goes haywire and you there like wtf is going on?!

6) when they bring in new characters use them once and never again and people starts shipping your favorite characters with them and you sit there like reeeeaaaaalllly guys?! Why?! There never coming back :/

7) when least favorite characters die its like
Everyone stop
And throw a party
He/she is gone forever!

8) when they make a movie outta your tv series and f*** it all up and your like
Did you even watch the series?

9) when drama comes into your show so hard you don't even know what to do with life any more

10) when you grow out of it because they messed the show up and you get up and walk away because your done with it

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