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"Hey guys wake up," Branden said, "WAKE UP!!" My eyes shot open, and I sat up groaning. "Is anybody dead?", I asked, trying to stand up. "Nope, unless you count my broken arm" Martin, my younger brother, says while is clutching his damaged right arm. "Can someone help get me out of here?" said Jasmine, my girlfriend, under pile rubble. "Sure, hold on," I said Branden come to help me." "Sure thing, " he said. We dug jasmine out of the pile of rubble. "Thanks," she says gratefully. "Are you ok?" I asked." I'm fine", she says "a few cuts and bruises, but I'm all right." I nodded and looked around and saw that 4 out of 5, including me, of us, are here. Worried I, asked, "Hey, where's Jason." "I'M OVER HERE !!" Yelled Jason. I hade to climb over chunks of ceilings and walls to see where he was. It took some time to find him but, I finally found him, with his left leg trapped under a broken piece of a pillar, perfect. "Guys help me move it," I said. "Well, we better hurry up and get him out of there before the police and the news reporters show up, " Branden says urgently. "Yeah good idea," I said. we all went towards the fallen pillar to help free Jason.


"Woah Woah, stop the story," I said. Martin looking at me and said "why? I was getting to the good part of-of the story." I sighed and said, "you do realize that this the ending of the story." With an annoyed look on his face, Martin says "so." "So," says Jasmine, "the readers/listeners need to know how all of this happened, and how we got in that situation." "Yeah" Branden agrees. "Same," chimed Jason. I looked at Martin with my right eyebrow raised. Martin sighs heavily with his head down. with the sound of defeat in his voice Martin says, "fine, go tell the story from the beginning." He turned around and sat down on the log with everyone else. "Finally," I said standing near the campfire," now, where should I began." As I said this all the kids that were at the campsite, leaned forward to listen to the story.

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