Chapter 24

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Muahahaha... I'm back and schools out. AND I updated. Life's good, I know. :p


Chapter 24

            It was as if I had stepped into a surreal universe, a place totally parallel to my everyday life. This man standing before me was supposed to be Ray, not Tyler. He was supposed to be mute, not speaking to apologize to me; he was also supposed to be running from Kyle whom he had disappeared with the night before.

            My mind was struggling immensely in attempt to connect the dots, but they just did not seem to intersect anywhere within my confused mind. My mouth was open as I gaped at Ray… or was it Tyler?

            I was so confused; I didn’t even know what to call the ginger in front of me.

            “What?” I said aloud in frustration at my own confusion, throwing my hands out. “What is going on; I want you to tell me now. What’s your name anyway? Are you Tyler? Or are you Ray?” I gasped frantically, throwing questions out left and right. As usual, I didn’t get the answer I was looking for.

            “I’m so sorry,” he said again, crossing his arms and looking ashamed.

            “Quit saying that!” I snapped my voice rising. My patience and what felt like was left of my sanity seemed to be hanging on by a very thin thread. There was only so much my mind could take at one point.

            As I stared at Ray, or whoever he was, I felt like I was seeing doubles. Was this really the stranger who had viciously bit into my neck all those nights ago? Was Ray truly the voice that I had been having semi friendly conversations with the last few weeks?

            Was anything real anymore?

            “What… I mean why… What is going on?” I screeched, the palms of my hands kneading at my closed eyes. I just couldn’t not control myself, I felt as if my emotions were running around in circles inside of me, purposely trying to make me dizzy.

            Ray was a man I had previously had neutral feelings about, considering I had thought him to have been killed by Kyle. Now Tyler, on the other hand, was someone I had considered an acquaintance who had been in a sticky situation when he bit into me.

            “Shh,” he quickly hissed his eye suddenly wide with panic instead of guilt. I glared at his demand, quickly opening my mouth to berate him even more, but his hand flew out like lightening, slapping over my mouth in an attempt to keep me quiet. I stumbled back at the sheer force of his hit, almost falling to the ground. I would’ve too if he hadn’t quickly caught me, making sure to keep his hand tightly fastened over the bottom half of my face.

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