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hey guys so i tried to make this extra long, guess what- im 457 or somethin on the adventure list- ohmygodohmygodohmygod- tnx for gettin me there-LOVE U GUYS!!

btw who LOVES HARRY POTTER????? ME. nxt chapter she's/me is gna explore paris. Plzz vote. all u gotta do is press that small button on ur left k? btw most of this stuff is true, i just added othere stuff to make it more dramatic.. this is basically my awsome holiday. If u wanna ask wats tru and wats not then comment me or pm me k? After 2/3 chapters shes gonna start school and thats were the ninjamonkies come in!

No proofreading done btw.



The next day we all had to wake up extra early so we could get into the disneyland Park first.I got dressed up in a long flowere printed maxi dress and a black leather jacket. I wore my Blood red scarf ina loose way around my head and everyone in my family had to admit, I LOOKED AWSOME! Sammi wore a smiliar maxi dress that she had brought when we went shopping the other day and she also wore a leather jacket but hers waa a deep brown. She had a dark purple scarf that she rapped loosely around her neck. Now me and Sammi were deffinetely sisters.

"Mum, you guys take forever to dress so me and sammi are going to go eat breakfast and we'll save you seats." I said to my mum.

"Yh sure, you guys go downstairs, we'll be down in a few minutes." Me and Sammi nodded our heads like wise people and raced to the lift.

Once -we were down me and Sammi majestically marched to the Plantation restaurant like models and sat down at a massive table.

It was a buffet breakfast thingy so after we had claimed the table and sat our bags dwon on our chairs, we marched towards the buffet. I biled my plate with food- dobn'rt get me wrong, i aint fat but comeone, the perfect start to the day is a heavy breakfast plus were going to be rubnning around all day so we're going to need it. Also what can i say, It's free food and you can't say no to free food can you?

I got two toasts, 5 butter thingys , 1 jam and one chocolate spread, i obviously got a croissent because you cant come to france and not eat a croissant, that's just stupid. I got 2 small bugettes with salad and cheese and other weird stuff that i had never seen before.

why do french people eat cheese and ham (UGH HAM) with fruit for breakfast-that's just crazy and stupid in my opinion.

I then got a cup of LOVELY HOT CHOCALATE and then munched gracefully on my food and talked also ever-so-lady-like with my mouth full. A few mean french peopole on the other tavles glared ta me for some reason so i smiled back at them, showing bits of soffy food in my teeth. They looked away in horror and i smiled evily at sammy. We had nearly finished all our yummy food when our parents came slouching in with the devil spawn- in othre owrds- my brother- from now on im going to call him rectifier which means murderer in French. My smartness just overwhelms me at times.

"So mum,"  I say to my mum, "Since you're going to take forever to finish your breakfast can me and sammi just go into the shuttle bus to the park and then be we'll meet you next to- i dont know macdonalds maybe?- at 3 o'clock for lunch?" I said ever so grown upy to make a deal with my mum.

"Fine but only if you take your brother with you." She replied.

NONONOOOOOOOO, no way am i taking that...RECTFIER with me. ?But my mouth answered instead, "OF coarse lovely mother." 

Rectifier just shrugged and grabbed a chocolate filled croissent from his barely full plate and walked like a normal human being with me and Sammy, little do people know is that in reality he is a...RECTIFIER...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2011 ⏰

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