Pissing People off is fun! :)

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Hey, ima go straight to the story, UPLOADIN EVERYDAY! IM ON A ROLL HERE GUYS xx


6 am, Urghh, kill me now. Sammi and my brother were already downstairs chugging down their breakfast whilst I was trapped in my room and deciding what scarf to wear? Should I wear a few different scarfs and wrap them around my head in a really cool way or should i just wear a simple scarf? URGH. This was sooo annoying. I finally settled on the cool, funky one with tons of layers.

"Ariana, hurry up. We got an hour till the taxi comes!" My mum shouted from downstairs. I just shrugged my shoulders in an orderly fashion and marched downstairs with my suitcase and bag.

"Hurry up and eat your breakfast Ari." mum said. I nodded whilst continuing to shrug my shoulders.

"Stop shrugging them shoulders of yours Ariana, you'll be complaining they hurt in a few hours." Mum said.

"Mum, it helps me relax and free my inner anger!" I stated wisely while shrugging my shoulders and nodding my head like I knew what I was talking about. My mum just shook her head and muttered a few things under her breath in Pashto.

I sat down and started eating my breakfast. Mhmmm, yesterday’s leftovers, rice with curry, what a healthy breakfast. 

Before we knew it, the taxi had come and we were piling our suitcases on top of each others like business men. I sat next to Sammi on the taxi and we were nodding and shrugging the whole way while goin "Hmmmmmm, Uh. Hmmmmmmm. Uh. Hmmmmmm!" The taxi driver was getting scared of us I think and sped through the motorway to get to the airport. We arrived at the airport and i got my awesome Dora the explorer suitcase out and started marching ahead of everyone like businessman that is a former model. Sammi caught up with me in no time and we continued marching whilst singing, "WE WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISMAS, WE WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND FABBY NEW YEAR" at the top of our voices even though I didn't celebrate Christmas and it was in the middle of July. People were staring at us, probably admiring our awesome voices. I felt like an awesome person and a celebrity so I got my two fingers up in the air and started waving at everybody. Sammy joined in and we both gave everyone our killer smiles.  People cleared and cleared a pathway for us. I turned to look behind me to see my brother looking at us in awe and my parents looking somewhat confused. I sighed; they still had a lot to learn about celebritydome. We entered the airport entrance with majesty and continued marching to the place where you hand in luggage. When everything was finished and we had checked in, we were just in time to bored the plane. Our flight was with Qatar; Oh yes the smiling donkey is back. Or was it an onyx? Whatever, same shit in my opinion. The plane journey was SOOOO FUN! I was kicking the seat in front of me and the bald man kept on turning around and glaring at me. Sammi was doing the same to the seat in front of us and at the end the baldi and the other guy got so pissed that they moved seats. SUCESS!

"SO...Ari, What did you do with the body you murdered? did you burry it?" Sammi said in a stage whisper.  Many wide eyes turned to us and I smirked and said, "Keep your voice down Sammi, we might get found out. Which body are you talkin about? The two I buried yesterday, or the five I killed today?" I loud-whispered. I looked at the airplane seats and saw that people were edging away from us a flight attendant finally mustered the courage to walk towards us, my parents and brother were sleeping so they had no idea what was going on.

"Sorry misses but i couldn't help overhearin' your conversation." She said to us.

"Well you should control your ears then." I said. She blushed and said, "Well, erm, sorry but Its...It's...kinda against the law to...er...kill somebody?" she said and whispered the last part, it sounded more like a question to me.

"Who said we killed somebody?" Sammi chipped in.

"Er..you ...said it your self!" She stated, more confident with herself.

"We were only acting out a scene play for school. God! Your boss is definitely hearing about this." The flight attendant turned red and said,

“I’m sooo sorry; please don't tell my boss about this. I really didn't mean to disturb you. I'll do anything, what do you want?”

Me and Sammi looked at each other and broke out in grins, my stomach answered as well by grumbling.

"Well," I took a deep breath and said," 2 cheese and pickle baguettes with mayonnaise, ketchup, tomatoes and salad, 2 packets of prawn cocktail flavoured crisps, 2 kit Kats, 2 slices of chocolate cake and two cans of coke."

Her mouth dropped but then she quickly closed it and then said, "Surely" And walked off.

A few minutes later she appeared with a trolley filled with our goods and my mouth instantly began to water.

"Here you go misses and once again, sorry for any inconvenience." She said with a forced smile.

"No, No, thank you!" I said with a smile and snatched all the food off the trolley and packed it on our table. Everyone was looking at us curiously and also at our food.

The women nodded and walked off again.

Me and Sammi started filling our mouths with food and eating as quickly as we could, what could I say, I was hungry as hell.

My mum stirred from her sleep and looked across at us with sleepy eyes; she saw the food and sighed and drifted back to sleep, not questioning how we had gotten it.

We arrived in France after being in the plane for two days, kidding on, one hour and a half I think, I can’t remember.

Aww shit, France looks the same as England.

After doing all the boring stuff, I found my sunglasses in my bag and put them on and I also put my cap on top of my scarf. My mum said I looked funny but in my opinion I looked cool. We took the train to our hotel. It was the worst train ever! NOONE WAS TALKING. Like seriously no-one was talking and everyone was just staring at each other. I decided to break the tension and shouted out, “WHO LIKES POOH?”  Sammi replied by shouting “Me!” and my brother joined in and said “Me!” and before I knew it tons of other kids were joining in and saying “Moi!”, a few people even had the nerve to say “Non!” My parents just glared at me and shook their head but I knew that in their heart that they were grateful to me for breaking the silence.

Soon everyone was talking to each other and I smiled at my success.

We reached the hotel and it was called “The Explorers Hotel” and was very close to the Disneyland Park.


I jumped into my soft bed and instantly fell asleep.


That’s if or now guys and this was 4 pages on word so its quite long so mite not upload for a long time unless I get quite a  few votes and stuff. Plz comment btw and Plz vote if u like it. Hope u enjoyed it and the nxt chapter is gna be hilarious. Btw if some of u r wonderin when the ninja monkys r gna come in then be patient and MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU! :'( still dnt have evn 1 vote. :( :'(

~Mishy J xx 

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