Chapter 6: The Harsh Storm

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Chapter 6

The Harsh Storm

The nine teenagers all slept in the warm room that night. All was well, but when they woke up, something as wrong.

"The power is out now!?" Benny exclaimed when he woke up and tried to turn the light on. "Ugh."

"Looks like a storm," Aaron noted, watching out the window. "It's still raining and thundering."

"This is bad, this is very bad," Charlotte quaked.

"Why?" Emery asked. turning to her from where she was pulling her sweater over her head.

"Well, first, we have no heating, and we are halfway up a mountain with no phone line or Internet!" She sputtered.

"Okay, okay, calm down," Lucas rested a hand on her shoulder. "We'll just have to find a generator. It'll be alright." Charlotte nodded.


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