5. A Sincere Request

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     Adam spent the better part of the morning talking to Cynthia, not only because she seemed such a nice person but also because she spoke his language and seemed to be from the same side of the pond as he was. A fellow American was hard to come by in the middle of France, so he kept her company while waiting for Fiona to finish working with the lineup waiting to pay their respects to her grandmother. Cynthia also stood out amongst the majority of the people who were attending the wake. She was a very dark skinned lady, but Adam never seemed to mind as the lady was great company and helped him kill a lot of time while waiting for Fiona.

     "So what brings you here?" Cynthia asked.

    "The late Mrs. Bouchard owned a company that does a lot of business with the company my father owns," Adam explained again, "But to be honest, I've been a big fan of her movies so asking me to come here didn't require much arm twisting."

     "I loved her movies too," Cynthia admitted with a smile. "But I'm actually related to the deceased, which is why your handkerchief is ruined."

     "Keep it." Adam said with a grin. "I have plenty more. I'm also sorry for your loss. Losing any family, no matter how close or distant is heartbreaking."

     "Thank you," Cynthia said as she wiped it on her cheek again. "And thank you for your company. I would say you didn't have to stay here on my account but I'm getting the feeling you're waiting for someone."

     "I am," Adam said as it was rather obvious even to her. "But I was happy to be helpful while I did so."

     "You are a true gentleman," Cynthia replied, "I rarely see such manners where I come from."

     "Where is that?" Adam asked.

     "Johannesburg." She answered.

     "South Africa. That's quite a distance." Adam said as he thought about it. She travelled just as far as he did to be there that day.

     "She's worth it," Cynthia replied, "Caroline and I were very close."

     "I can see that by the way you talk about her." Adam said as he could tell. Cynthia's face and eyes would light up whenever she spoke of the late Madam Bouchard. It wasn't just about the movies but of the woman's appeal to do well by her fellow persons. She was a very charitable person and Adam had naturally assumed that was how the two knew one another, possibly through one of Caroline's many charitable missions that might have reached as far as South Africa.

     Moments later, Fiona came walking over to where Adam was and he stood up to greet her. To his surprise, Fiona came up and gave him a big hug. She gave him a big squeeze and he didn't seem to mind one bit. She then noticed that Cynthia was sitting there on the couch beside them.

     "Oh hello," Fiona said as she reached out her hand. "I'm Fiona."

     "This is Cynthia," Adam filled in, "She was nice enough to keep me company while I waited for you."

     "That was sweet of you," Fiona replied with a smile, "Thank you very much."

     "It was no problem," Cynthia replied. "I'm attending the service at the cemetery so I have to wait here too."

     "Did you know my grandmother?" Fiona asked.

     "I did," Cynthia replied, "I am very sorry for your loss."

     "Thank you," Fiona said as she then looked back at the middle aged woman on the couch. "If you're coming to the service, you can ride with us."

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