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Tony's POV

I laid in the dark, listing to music and looking at the wall. Thinking about life, and How shitty it is.

While I was drowning in my thoughts, Jake came up

I thought about, all the memories we had together.

I felt a tear stream down my face

My door opened, it was Mike

II quickly wiped my tears away and sat up

He turned on the light and I took out my earphones

"Hey Tony?" Mike walked into my room

"Yeah?" I said quietly

"The guys are going to Jaime's house. Want to come?"

I nodded slowly and got up

Mike walked out and closed the door


Kellin's POV

Me and Justin walked down the street to Jaime's house.

"So about a band name." Justin started

I looked at him at raised an eyebrow

"I have a suggestion."

"Go on." I stopped walking

He stopped walked too

"Sleeping With Sirens?" He looked at me

My mind was blown

"That's awesome!" I jumped and hugged him

"Cheating on me now?" I heard Vic laugh from behind us

I let go of Justin and turned around

"Why would I do that?" I laughed and hugged Vic


Me, Justin and Vic walked into Jaime's house

"Okay then, you don't have to knock." Jaime closed the door behind us

"Where's my brother?" Vic sat of the couch

I sat beside him

"I think he's downstairs." Jaime sat down next to me

Me and Vic got up

He looked at me

"I'm coming, I need to talk to him too." I mumbled

He nodded and walked downstairs

We opened the door and walked down the stairs

We looked around and spotted Mike and Tony



Bulletproof Love || Kellin Quinn X Vic Fuentes || Kellic || {NOT EDITED}Where stories live. Discover now