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Kellin's POV

My mom still has not came back. I am glad, she's probably still pissed.

I called Vic to come over again he said sure.

For a while we were just sitting on my couch playing cod.

"Did you hear Jaime is no longer gay?" Vic said

"No, how do you know?" I looked at him

"He told me yesterday."

They still talk?

"Oh. so you guys are friends?" I looked down

"Oh hell no, we just have each other's number saved on our phones. we hardly text each other." 

I looked at him

"Okay good." I smiled hugging him

He kissed me on the cheek

"So, when is the dance?" I asked

"A week." 

"Oh wow that soon?" 

"Yeah, Its on Thursday next week." 


"You got anymore Pizza Rolls?" Vic looked at me putting the controller down

Vic came closer too me

"Well maybe you can give me your pizza roll." Vic whispered in my ear grabbing my crotch 

I twitched

I looked at Vic and he smirked

He took his hand off and moved it to my face

Vic started to kiss me


My mother came running in.

Vic quickly got off me

My mom came up to me.

I saw anger in her face.

"U-uh H-hi m-mom." I looked at her

"Shut the fuck up, you gay son of a bitch!" She hissed

Me and Vic's jaw dropped

"What?" I stood up

She slapped me her hardest

Which made me fall to the floor

I could feel tears start to go down my face."

"What the fuck is wrong with you bitch!" Vic hissed standing out

"Kellin we are fucking christian!" She yelled

I know what she was saying

Jaime told her


Bulletproof Love || Kellin Quinn X Vic Fuentes || Kellic || {NOT EDITED}Where stories live. Discover now