Chapter 14

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I sat in the trees, waiting for the soldiers to arrive.

"Novia, they should be coming your way. Get ready to detonate," the walkie-talkie in my hand said.

"Got it. Ready to detonate," I said holding it up to my mouth. I looked at Andrew who was in a tree across the small clearing with a black sniper rifle. I gave him a thumbs up and smile.

"Novia Mace! Show yourself!" a voice through a loudspeaker said. I saw the soldiers walking with their guns in hand. I smirked and looked down at my tablet. I had memorized the C4 layout. I typed in the coordinates for the best explosion. I pressed the button and waited.





I watched at pieces of bloody men flew all over the place following the screams of intense pain. Most of the men impacted were dead, others were taken out by Andrew's riffle. As far as I knew, Oliver was hiding safely in the dome, waiting for the battle to be over. I detonated all of the C4 deposits and most of the men were dead.

"Novia, there are more. A lot more," my walkie-talkie said. I looked over at Andrew who was still holding his walkie-talkie to his mouth.

"We detonated all of the C4," I said.

"We'll have to use out riffles. There's nothing wrong with that." I nodded and pulled out my sniper.




I shot as many men as I could. I soon ran out of ammo. I looked over at Andrew who was silent.

"Got ammo?" I asked in my walkie-talkie.

"No. You?"

"No." I thought. I felt something land next to me. It was bullets. I looked around me and saw a small launcher sticking out of a broken window in the dome. I saw another cartridge launch and it landed silently next to Andrew. I loaded my gun and went back to shooting.


I saw the bullet hole in a leaf next to my head. They figured out where I was. Crap. I shimmied out of the tree and hid behind bushes to get to another tree. I looked back at the dome and saw Oliver slowly walk towards me. I signaled to him to stop and go back. He crouched down next to me.

"I want to help," he whispered.

"You'll die, get back in," I hissed. He shrugged and pulled out a gun with a silencer. I watched at men by the dozen started falling down, blood staining their shirts. I saw Andrew struggle with his gun while hiding in the bushes.


I watched in horror as a group of men slowly made their way to Andrew. I thought.

"Hey!" I yelled bursting out of the bushes.

"Noiva, get back here," Oliver hissed.

"You got me!" I yelled. All of the men aimed at me. I heard a gunshot and expected a burning pain. I kept my eyes open, wanting to see my last moments on this cruel world with its despicable inhabitants. Instead, Oliver jumped in front of me. It took me a moment to realize. Oliver lay on the ground, clutching his chest and wheezing. I crouched down slowly.

"Oliver?" I asked, my voice trembling.

"Novia, everything's going to be okay," he said hoarsely.

"What the hell were you thinking?" I demanded through clenched teeth, "You shouldn't have done that." My vision blurred.

"Like I said, everything's going to be okay," he said. I shook my head.

"No, you lier. You always say that. It's not going to be okay without you. You're all I have left of my old life, before Xavier died. Before I was locked in prison. Don't leave me," I said, my voice breaking. I looked up at the men watching me carefully.

"You'll regret that!" I roared. Luckily, I had a sword attached to my belt. I whipped it out and walked towards the men. Andrew rushed to Oliver's side to help him.

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