Chapter 25

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They slammed into the wall behind a conveniently placed stack of giant wooden crates piled so high that they hid all three of them completely, reaching way above their heads. Niall instantly slid to the floor, puffing and panting as he pressed his cheek against the cool linoleum trying to catch his breath – but Harry and Louis had no interest in such trivial things as breathing, not when they were both faced with such perfectly kissable lips and a few spare seconds in which to put them to good use. Within seconds Louis had Harry against the wall and was demanding kisses from his mouth, punctuating it with little growls every time Harry didn’t respond fiercely enough. Harry was only afraid of hurting Louis, fragile as he was; he had slammed Harry against the wall but Harry could easily have pushed him away because he was so hungry and weak and vulnerable.

“You need to eat,” Harry panted against Louis’ insistent lips. “I have food in my bag –”

Ignoring him, Louis nipped at the skin underneath his jaw, cutting Harry off and causing him to gasp a little, and then his mouth was on Harry’s again, stealing kiss after kiss. Eventually, Harry resignedly wound his fingers into Louis’ hair and gave in, collapsing into a mouth so soft and warm and loving that he felt he would quite like to completely vanish inside it. His tongue moved languidly inside Louis’ mouth, because he couldn’t muster the effort to be as insistent as he usually would have been.

“I need to eat you,” whispered Louis, and Harry shuddered lightly as Louis stepped forwards and pressed his body closer to Harry’s, so that he was sandwiched between Louis and the wall. With a small cry, Harry arched into Louis’ body and clung to him as Louis ravaged his neck, giving him a series of love bites to be proud of.

“Time and a place, guys,” Niall reminded them, but neither of them were inclined to listen.

Louis’ hands sneaked down inside Harry’s jeans, and in return Harry’s found their way inside Louis’ shirt. Harry’s pupils dilated longingly and he abandoned all attempts at sensibility as he gave in to the sensations tugging at various different parts of his body – his neck where Louis kissed it so desperately, the pit of his abdomen where a familiar heat was building, his heart which was racing like a frenzied horse and threatening to punch its way out of his chest and splatter his blood all over Louis’ dirty shirt…he could feel Louis’ heart beating as well, where their chests were pressed together, and he felt like having a Twilight moment and pausing to sit with his ear pressed against Louis’ chest just to listen to it for a while. Instead, he nuzzled against Louis’ neck and felt his pulse thudding against his cheek instead, which was far less creepy and much more convenient for the activities they were engaging in. Still, it was nowhere near enough, because Harry wanted to rip Louis’ clothes off and have his way with him right there on the cold and shiny floor. It had been too long since they’d been so close, and he was young and active; suffice to say that he was more than ready for sex.

“Guys!” Niall begged, tugging helplessly on the back of Louis’ shirt to try and haul him off.

Under normal circumstances, they would have been impressed at how blatantly unruffled Niall was by the fact that two of his male best friends were frantically kissing each other in a base belonging to some kind of lawbreaking maniac, but they were somewhat distracted – so Louis just used Niall’s pulling as leverage to pull himself off Harry slightly before slamming himself forwards with twice as much enthusiasm as before.

Guys!” repeated Niall, banging his hands on Louis’ back.

He might as well have tried to lift a mountain as to try and get between Harry and Louis right then. They were basically grinding up against a wall with as much class as a pair of starving drug-addicted prostitutes, but they didn’t care much about that. It helped with the image, of course, that Louis looked quite so bedraggled.

Captive Of Lies Book 2(Imprisoned in my Heart trilogy...Larry)Where stories live. Discover now