Chapter 21

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“That’s it?” Niall’s tone mirrored Harry’s disbelief as they both stared, shocked, at the perfectly nondescript building which, according to the hastily photocopied map in the back pocket of Harry’s jeans, housed at least fifty extremely violent and dangerous men, and a vicious, self-acclaimed criminal madman.

“Looks like it,” murmured Harry, pulling the map out of his pocket and studying it incredulously as if it was going to rearrange itself in front of him and look completely different from the last twelve times he had almost obsessively checked it on the way there. His nose had been buried in it for far too much of the journey, terrifying Niall into believing that they were going to end up crashing because Harry was more interested in studying  the map than keeping the vehicle in any form of a straight line.

“But it looks so…” Niall looked confused and almost cheated, like he’d expected something far more terrifying than that perfectly innocent-looking sprawling grey building which looked like nothing more sinister than some kind of warehouse.

“Harmless?” Harry suggested grimly. “Yeah. Derek does, too. It’s one of his particularly nasty tactics. Just when you start thinking he’s more of a talker than an actor, that his reputation is just a daft story, that he’s all bluff…then he turns round and bites your head off. Or punches you until your face looks like a ketchup sandwich. He’s lovely like that. He likes to keep you guessing. Say what you like about him, but he’s definitely not boring.”

“Of course not,” Niall murmured. “That would be far too easy.”

“Exactly,” approved Harry. “You’re learning. These are the kind of games Derek likes to play; he messes with your head – or what’s left of it, after he’s finished trying to smash it in.” He snorted, but Niall didn’t seem amused by his black humour, and was looking horrified by his joke.

“What are we gonna do, then?” Niall asked, regarding the building with a mixture of distaste and derision. “Are we walking in?”

“Are you mad?” demanded Harry. “Didn’t you listen to a word I just said? Derek is dangerous. This will be some kind of trap, I’ll bet you any amount of money. There’ll be something nasty lying in wait for us, you mark my words. Just go barging in there? Do you have some kind of death wish? Good God, it’s a good job you’re not in charge.”

Affronted, Niall said in an injured tone, “What are we doing, then?”

“We’re going to scout around and evaluate the situation, and make a plan based on our findings,” Harry said decisively.

Niall raised an eyebrow. “So in other words, we’re going to wander round and look at stuff while you think of a plan.”

Harry shrugged. “Pretty much.”

Biting back a laugh, Niall opened the car door, got out, and then waited for Harry. They did several slow, paced laps around the car while Harry nibbled his lip thoughtfully and Niall tried to look like he was also thinking of something useful. In reality, he didn’t have a clue what he was supposed to be doing, so he just waited for Harry to come up with a plan. Harry knew the people. Harry could sort it. At least, that was what he told himself as he guiltily wondered whether he was going to be a help or a hindrance on this…mission. He snorted inwardly. Mission. It sounded childish and silly, but how else could he describe it?

Lost in thought, Harry was taking deliberate, precise steps around the vehicle, considering what sort of actions he could take to make things a little less dangerous for them. At the moment, he had the uncomfortable feeling of not knowing what to expect, and thus he felt…blind. He could see perfectly, but he couldn’t see what he wanted to see, which was what dangers there were. There seemed to be some sort of fence around the back of the building, but apart from being tall, it didn’t look like it would be hard to climb over. Nobody appeared to be lingering around the front entrance to stop them from getting in. He couldn’t see – or hear – any slavering Rottweilers  snapping at their heels. The lack of apparent danger was what made him so wary. Kneeling down, Harry scooped a handful of pebbles from the ground at his feet, inspected them, and then looked cautiously around. Reaching out, he pulled at Niall’s sleeve and dragged him behind the car, then motioned for him to duck down. After allowing himself one last quick glance around to make sure nobody was watching, Harry flexed his arm, and then deftly hurled the largest pebble at the fence with one swift flick of his wrist. He wasn’t sure whether it would reach its target, but his aim was good, and the stone hit the fence with the typical sound of rock hitting metal – until the fence shuddered suddenly, pulsing with an unhealthy bluish-white light as a fizzing sound sizzled through the air like something was burning, and it was accompanied by a metallic tang to the air and the smell of something being scorched. Harry dropped down onto his stomach behind the car and peeked underneath it, checking for movement. Nobody seemed interested in coming out to investigate the sound; perhaps they hadn’t heard it.

Captive Of Lies Book 2(Imprisoned in my Heart trilogy...Larry)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora