Chapter 4

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The theme of self-harm is mentioned in this chapter, although there is no actual self harm involved. If you’re sensitive about that kind of thing perhaps you shouldn’t read it, and if you need to talk, my ask box is always open.

They had spent most of the rest of that day in bed, so Harry woke up unreasonably early the next morning. Raising his head, he noticed in shock that Louis had freshly washed hair, like he’d just leapt out of the bath (why he refused to get a shower like most people was anybody’s guess, but it certainly made for a romantic evening; Louis’ bath was the size of a small paddling pool and there was plenty of room when they wanted to share it, which they had on several occasions – presumably that was the reason he had such a fondness for it). He was freshly shaven – Harry momentarily mourned the sexy rock-star stubble until he thought of how it started to feel slightly unpleasant kissing scrubbing-brush bristles after a while – and wearing a pair of tight, newly washed blue jeans… his jeans, Harry noticed with pleasure, although it didn’t take him long to get over the way his stomach did back-flips at seeing Louis share his clothes. As he watched Louis pull a white t-shirt over his head and check that his keys were in the pocket of his leather jacket, Harry felt a twist of unease, because if Louis was getting dressed at – he checked the clock – 7am, that meant that he was going to work, and with threatening messages floating around the flat, Harry had no intention of letting him go anywhere.

“What are you doing?” Harry asked. His voice was hoarse for reasons which made him blush; he hoped the neighbours had been out the day before. He hadn’t exactly been quiet.

“Getting dressed,” Louis said patiently. “I’m going to work.”

“No!” wailed Harry. Leaping out of bed with the duvet wrapped around him like a toga, hiding his state of undress, he staggered over to Louis – ooh, that was sore; they’d been very enthusiastic…he wondered if Louis could still walk straight? – he hurled his arms around Louis and clung to him, burying his face in his shoulder. “No,” he insisted childishly.

“Harry…” Louis protested, trying to shove him away.

“I don’t want you to go.”

“Harry, don’t be childish. I have to go to work so we can pay the bills so we have somewhere to live, remember?”

“I don’t want to be on my own!” Harry pleaded.

It was sly and manipulative of him, but he knew that given the slightest inclination that Harry was scared, Louis wouldn’t be able to sleep at night knowing that he’d left him in that way. He let the bait lie for a while, giving Louis the best pleading look he was capable of – until eventually, he heard the long, heavy sigh which meant that he had won.

“Harry…” Louis brushed his lips platonically against Harry’s forehead, and Harry breathed softly out. He knew he had won the argument, but just to make sure…

“Please?” he breathed.

And with that, Louis was his.

“I’ll phone in sick,” Louis sighed, “but I swear, this is the last time!”

Nodding contritely, Harry watched as Louis retrieved his phone and pressed a string of numbers in quick succession – then he was talking, his lies coming quickly and so naturally that even Harry was tempted to swallow them.

“Hi, Pam. I, ah…I just wanted to let you know that I’m not feeling very well today. I’m going to have to stay at home.” Louis hastily inserted a cough for the woman’s benefit. “I’m sure you know how it is. I don’t want the prisoners catching anything. Hmm? Yes, it is poor timing. No, I…don’t think I need a doctor…no, it’s definitely not that, um…serious.” Turning to Harry, he pulled a face. “Thanks for your concern, but it’s just a little bug, that’s all. No, I’m sure I’ll be in tomorrow. I just think I’d better sleep it off. Yes. No. Haha, yes…that’s great. Look, I’d better…um…bye!” He hung up.

Captive Of Lies Book 2(Imprisoned in my Heart trilogy...Larry)Where stories live. Discover now