Falling Hard

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"[F/name]-san, we need to talk." The man saved you from falling to the ground. Thanks to him, or you might not be able to join the competition by the end of the month. But you know better that you prefer to injure yourself than meeting him right now.

"I cannot talk to you yet, Kazu-kun." You looked at to the poor floor as you speak.

"No, [F/name]-san. You can stop now."


"I'm sorry. I shouldn't do this to you. I don't want you to distance yourself from me and everyone. I don't want you to be lonely again. It's hurting me to see you like this. I shouldn't have told you about my feelings towards you." The raven haired man uttered with disappointment written all over his face. It made you felt guilty for some reasons.

"I'll be your girlfriend."

Takao was startled to hear your words that he became speechless for a while. But then he managed to compose himself and smiled weakly as he added. "No. You cannot. I don't want you to be my girlfriend out of pity. I was wrong. I shouldn't ask you when I already know your true feelings."

"What do you mean? I like you, Kazu-kun."

"It's not the way I wanted it to be. Please, [F/name]-san. Be true to yourself. I know you liked him from the beginning. I don't want you to regret it later. I love you, [F/name]-san. Seeing you happy is enough to me."


"If anything happens, know that I'll always be there for you."

Tears rolled down your face out of sudden. Your fragile little heart was touched by the affection that guy had toward you. If only you can love him back, things would be easier and no one would be hurt. But somehow you couldn't. You don't even know why.

"[F/name]-san, why are you crying?" Takao asked anxiously as if he did something wrong to you.

"I'm sorry, Kazu-kun." You uttered as you wiped away the stream of tears and snot from your face.

"I'll only forgive you if you promise to join us for lunch again." He threatened.

"I promise."

"Good girl! Now let's head to the gazebo and stuff ourselves with my cooking."

"Eh? But your cooking is bad!"

Takao laughed at your expression as he dragged you along with him. Behind that cheerful face, there was pain that only he knows how it feels.


School was over but you were still lingering in the building, heading to a specific place as ordered by Takao. Music room, third floor. As you paced nearer the said room, your ears caught the beautiful sound of piano. You fastened your steps to see who's behind those melody. Eventually, you were running on the corridor like a cross-country runner only to miss your step and stumbled right in front of the music room, and gave a loud thud on the wall.

"You stupid hopeless non-living thing!" You put your hand on your forehead and moaned painfully.

Not long after that, the door opened and the green haired guy appeared from behind it with a surprised look. Your heart skipped a beat or two before you felt the urge to run away.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine thank you. Sorry to disturb you. I'm going home now. See ya!" You stepped on your heel to disappear from the scene but was stopped when Midorima caught your arm.

"Can you please let go of my hand?"

"I'm not letting you go until we talk, nanodayo."

You stopped from pulling your hand from him as you realized it was useless. There's no sign of giving up from that man. Your silence gave Midorima the chance to talk. 

"Stop avoiding me, [F/name]."

"I'm not."

"Yes you are. Do you know how screwed my life get when I can't see you? Everything just go wrong. I can't let this go on any longer. I need my lucky item back, nanodayo." He said as his eyes stared into you [eyes color] orbs. Looking at the puzzled face of yours, he knew that you didn't get what he's trying to say because you're just too dense. He pulled you into his arm. "It's you, stupid. I like you."

"I-I like you too." You stuttered as your heart pounded rapidly even though he's already letting you free from his embrace.

Midorima leaned his face closer to you slowly as you shut your eyes nervously, waiting him to kiss you. Your heart was beating so loud that you could hear it clearly without using stethoscope. Seconds later, he reached your face, to the bruise on your forehead instead of your lips. "It will get better soon. Lucky it's nothing serious. You should be more careful, nanodayo."

"Stupid Shintaro!" You let out your disappointment by punching his stomach rather hard.

"What's wrong with you? I didn'-"

You grabbed his tie and gave him a peck on his lips before running away. Midorima's face was red as a clown's nose as he watched you go.

"Don't run! You'll injure yourself!" 


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