Mission Impossible

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"You put this into this and calculate them all. Then you'll get the answer. Any question?"

"[L/name]-san, how about question number 18?" A girl from the back row asked toward you who are standing near the blackboard. Karasuma-sensei who was inspecting your working from his seat nodded his head signalling you to answer it.

"Just the same like the last one. All you need to do is use a different formula. Use formula number three for this question and it goes like this." You scribbled the answer neatly as you explained the solution. The class went 'ooh' by seeing how easy you solved the question.

The bell rings and the teacher thanked you for helping him to teach the students. You returned to your seat to fix your things before going to lunch. As you're about to exit the classroom, your eyes caught a glimpse of the duo at the door.

'What the hell are they doing here?'

You dashed toward them and pushed them away with all your might to the distance of one class away.

"[L/name]-san, why-"

"Shut up. I told you to stay away from my class. Why couldn't you follow the rule?" You stand before them with hands on your hips and the face of a hungry lioness.

"There's no such rule, nanodayo."

"Don't be angry, [L/name]-san. We just wanted to help you. You're feet hadn't fully recovered yet. You're not even standing straight right now." Takao was telling you the truth. Your injured leg aren't touching the floor completely. But you cannot admit defeat now.

They must be punished. Yes. With silent treatment. You walked ahead with the lunch bag without looking at them. But not for long until you limped again due to the weight of the bag. The men rushed to stop you from stumbling to the ground.

"Are you alright? Don't push yourself too hard, [L/name]-san. Let us help you, okay?"

You handed the bag over to Takao but still keeping your mouth shut. Takao handed it to Midorima instead and put his arm around you for support.

"[L/name]-san is so cute when she's angry. But she's even cuter when she's smiling. [L/name]-san, smile!"

"You look like a retarded." You said emotionlessly to Takao's funny face as you're holding back your laughter. You ended up pushing his face away as you were laughing like no tomorrow. "Stop it, Takao-kun! You're damaging my brain cells."

"That was easy. Next time when you're in a bad mood I'll do the same to cheer you up."

"Please, no next time. You got me, Takao-kun. I'm very bad at getting angry at you guys. Come here, Shintarou-kun." You called the man who was staring at the two of you quietly. He didn't budge so you had to pull him toward you.

"You're calling him Shintarou? That's not fair! Call my first name too!"

"Fine, Kazu-kun. There's no way I can keep my mouth shut when I'm with you. You two are my most favorite persons."

Locking the men's arms with your hands, the three of you walked side by side like a happy family.

"So why do you stop us from coming to your class?"

"There's a bomb. When any of you comes, it will trigger the sensor that was located near my classroom and makes the bomb explodes. Then, everyone in school will die." You explained with a serious look. "Do you want to see anyone get killed by your hand?"

Takao shook his head left to right, terrified by that thought. Midorima on the other hand was giving you a sinister glare. "That was a terrible lie, nanodayo. Who do you think would buy that?"

"You." You smiled and winked at Midorima, making him blush slightly.

"I'm not that stupid, nanodayo." He pushed his glasses up to hide his face.

"I believe you, [F/name]-san!" Takao pulled you closer to his side.

"Good. So don't come to my classroom ever again."


Sorry. I couldn't think of a better things to write. Still in those mood. As an apology, here's my drawing of Shintarou in his carrot costume hoodie. 

By the way, I completed 'You're My Secret'. Check it out guys!


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