Chapter Seven

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At the end of the day me and Jessie went to find the others. Violet and Joe were in Science whilst Aaron and Ava were in Geography. We ended up meeting by English which was between the two.

"Hey there Rose." Joe said, putting his arm around my shoulders. I laughed as I shrugged him off and pushed him away quite gently. He fell dramatically into George and his crew, smiling his head off. George sent us both death glares and picked Joe up by the collar on his shirt "Being beaten up by your girlfriend pipsqueak?" He hissed.

Damian's eyes immediately flicked to me, did he actually think that we were together? I rolled my eyes at that thought, Joe had just been playing around. George snorted and let go. "I'd be careful with who I mess with if I were you." He was smirking when he turned back around and gleefully said "Damian." And gave a pointed look at Joe. Damian nodded in understanding.

Joe gasped as he was roughly pushed against the wall by beanie boy and was punched in the stomach. I couldn't watch this happen to my friend, especially when it was my fault. I stepped forward and pulled Damian off before he could do any further damage. I smashed him against a locker with my arm against his throat to hold him there, not that I really needed to; he wasn't even struggling against me. He was looking at me in a weird way and I couldn't help but gaze into his soft blue eyes. He grinned "You're a feisty one, aren't you. Your boyfriend better watch out with you." He said, spitting out the word boyfriend and ruining the short moment. He then shook me off and walked off after George, but not without sending Joe one last glare.

Joe had by now slid down the wall, clutching his stomach and gasping for air. I ran over to him. "Are you ok?" I asked, guilt pumping through my viens as I watched him struggle to breathe. He nodded briefly "Thanks to you he didn't manage to do much damage. But he he has one hell of a punch."

Aaron helped him up and I glanced at Violet who pulled a face at me. "We're all meeting up at the cafe in the village in an hour, its hard to miss." She said and left with Ava. Aaron turned to Jessie "We better go too."

Jessie nodded "See you later Rose, Joe." She smiled and followed her brother down the corridor. I watched them leave and turned to Joe. He grinned "Looks like you're on the protective for me, eh?" I snorted at him "In your dreams."

When I got home I ran to my room and sat on my rather comfy bed. What was I going to wear? We were only going to a cafe, weren't we? "Decisions, decisions." I mumbled holding up a pair of pale blue and a pair of black jeans. It had clouded up outside and the sky was a depressing shade of grey. So I went for the black jeans, a violet vest top, my grey jacket and a pair of dark purple converse.

I quickly grabbed my bag and shoved a £5 note into it. Then I ran down the stairs, taking 3 at a time whilst crazily texting dad that I was going out for a bit.

I took a nice speed walk into the village market that had a few closed stalls dotted around the run down area. I swiftly passed a pub named 'The light warrior Inn', the sign was slightly broken and the picture of a knight in armour the colour of the ocean was fading with age. I know it sounds weird but I felt oddly connected to this place as a whole, something inside me stirred with joy whenever I discovered a new part of my new home. It was a truly amazi- ooh a sweet shop full of sweet sugary goodness! Not able to help myself, I bought a bag of fudge and Percy pigs for a pound. Bargain!

Eventually I found the place called 'Elemental Cafe' bit of a weird name to be honest but I suppose you can't judge creativity. I opened the door and a small jingly thing jingled as I walked through. A few people looked up and rested their eyes on me for a few seconds before going back to scoffing their faces, I quickly walked to the back table where everyone was sat waiting, including Violet who didn't seem that happy "Nice of you to join us." She muttered. I smiled slightly awkwardly and sat beside Jessie, she poked my bag "I see you have visited the sweet shop." I nodded at her and decided to eat a chunk of delicious Welsh fudge.

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