Chapter Six

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Eventually a rather tall pale girl with crimson hair stepped into the office. She beamed when she saw me and her emerald green eyes sparkled; she was obviously a jolly person. "You must be Rose!" She chirped as she waltzed to my special chair. I almost glared at her in my grumpy state, Leo had haunted my dreams, always taunting my fear of how demonic he looked. I just nodded casually at her cheerful entrance. She pulled a pouty face and said in the most annoying voice she could muster "Well someone woke up on the wrong side of bed." To my growing frustration, the receptionist was laughing at me. I gave them both death glares, envious of their jolly ways. "Something like that." I muttered and stood up.

"My name is Jessie by the way." The redhead added awkwardly. I headed for the door and rudely said "Nice to know." letting my voice drip with sarcasm. "But I think we should be getting to class."

Jessie followed me, looking a little timid. "Y-yeah. We p-probably should." And with that she lead me down a corridor in silence.

Jessie took me to a room upstairs that was clearly marked as History. I followed her in, casting my eyes away from the many people staring at me as whispers began to erupt around the class. Jessie lead me to a table and said that I could sit by her.

A shortish lady with light brown hair and hazel eyes stood at the front beside a white board. I pretended to ignore what was going on eventhough History was one of my favourite subjects. My tired eyes wandered towards the open window where a cool breeze was breathing into the crowded classroom. I could vaguely see little white houses at the foot of the hill and tried to pick out which one was mine. Finding it near impossible, I continued with my musings, studying the landscape that was now my home. Though the place was beautiful and quiet, it could never replace the wonderful home we used to own in Thornbury where my mum and sister Cassy still lived. That place was normal where I had friends and life was happy where no strange things happened.

"Rose? Rose!" The small teacher's face was so close to me that I could smell her breath; coffee with a hint of strawberries. I looked at her angry expression and smiled "Hello." She frowned murderously at me, I swear she would have killed me if we weren't at school. That's two people who would like to kill me.

"I don't know what they told you at your old school Rose, but here at Lightland we actually listen to teachers. The students here WANT to learn." She growled, her spit spraying onto my pale skin. I recoiled away from the stupid teacher and wiped off her germs. People laughed quietly from the back and I turned to glare at them. It was a group of boys and the were all staring. One was blond with green eyes, another had light brown hair and dark green eyes, one with black hair and hazel eyes and the last didn't seem interested in what was going on. He had longish brown hair with a beanie hat on the top and his slender face was home to a pair of pink lips and two sparkling blue eyes. Jessie suddenly elbowed me and I swivelled back round. The short lady was still there with an expectant look about her.

"Umm -er s-sorry miss." I stuttered and she left me alone whilst nodding her head. I gave the boys another quick glance, just catching the eyes of the beanie boy. He looked away but was smiling to himself slightly. When I faced the front again Jessie gave me an unsatisfied look. "What are you doing crushing on them? They're complete jerks!" She whispered rather loudly.

"Do you personally know them?" I asked her, feeling oddly defensive of beanie boy. She thought for a second before shrugging. "I used to be friends with the black haired one, he's called Connor. Light brownie is Cameron, blondie is alpha of their posse, his name is George and he's a complete ass." She rolled her eyes dramatically and started writing down the passage from the whiteboard.

I raised an eyebrow and copied the writing into my blank book. "What about Beanie boy?" I whispered. She pulled another of her weird faces. "I've never spoken to him really, all I know is that his name is Damian and you have no chance with him. He says no to all the girls, even them." Jessie pointed her biro at a group of girls all checking out the 'jerks'.

"What's so special about them? Well except from their make up overdose."

Jessie let out a sigh of disgust. "They're the short skirt girls." I nodded in understanding. The slutty ones. Eugh.

"So what are you to them?" I asked.

Jessie smiled. "I'm part of the nerd gang. Because I care about my future and won't have 30 children by the time I'm 25." I laughed at that and carried on writing when Miss Thorn glared at us through her hazel eyes.

After History and Science with a teacher who seemed to hate physics, we had an half hour break. Jessie took me outside to a picnic bench just dumped by a playing field where two girls and two boys were already sat.

"Is this the new girl then?" One of the boys asked, he had the same colour hair as Jessie and shared her green eyes. Jessie smiled and nodded. "This is my brother Aaron, Aaron this is Rose." I gave him a small grin when he replied with a "Nice to meet ya."

"The other one is Joe." He had almost white blond hair and greeny blue eyes. Then Jessie pointed at a lanky girl with golden hair and pale hazel eyes. "That's Ava, she's going out with my brother." Ava waved a little shyly.

The last was an average sized girl with purple hair and blue eyes. "And this is Violet."

"Nice to meet you all." I said and sat down opposite Joe. He began to make conversation with me about my home back in Thornbury and why I came here to Lightland in Wales. He listened as I explained my parents divorce and he gave me a sympathetic look when I almost teared up.

Maybe this school wouldn't be too bad. I had friends here now, even if they were the nerds, I was one of them.

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