Chapter One

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"Remind me again why we had to move dad." I said, twirling my dark brown hair between my pale fingers. We had been in the car for at least one hour now.

"Because Lightland Academy requests students with your skills, you should feel lucky, only some people get into such a place." Dad explained.

Skills? What skills did I have? Sure, tripping over the ground is very skilled but I don't think that is what they meant. I suppose I was okay at Science but thats it. "I'm less skilled than a chair." I mumbled, taking a swift glance at the beautiful countryside of wales.

"I'm sure thats not true, Rose." He smiled happily to himself as he drove on past Chepstow castle.

"At least chairs don't just suddenly fall over."

About half an hour later, after passing the forest of Dean and some fields, we stopped at some traffic lights as a shady figure walked by. As it passed it turned to look at me and I realised it was a boy about my age. He stared at me with accusing dark brown eyes, his black hair covering half of his face. I turned in my seat to see where this kid had come from, just across the road stood an old dark castle. It stood out against the cloudy sky. "What is that place?" I asked.

"I think they call it Lightland Castle." Dad answered, a grin creeping onto his voice as he realised the irony. This place was far from being any kind of light land. Maybe our village would suit the name better. As the light changed to green I noticed that the kid was still staring at me, I shifted uncomfortabley and looked away from him. Further up the road a sign came into view that read 'Welcome to Lightland Village' and underneath that was a sheild which held five pictures on it. The images were of a flame, a tree, a lightning bolt, a cloud and in the middle was a droplet of water. For some reason the water had an evil face graffitied on it. It was probably just some lame joke that wasn't funny.

"Here we are, our new home." Dad said as he pulled up into a large driveway that accompanied a rather beautiful cottage. It was pearly white with ivy growing up its sides. I stepped out of the car with a suitecase and a few plastic bags full of my things. Dad unlocked the door and led me to my room, not giving me a chance to see the rest of the house. My bedroom was perfect. The walls were painted sea blue and every shelf and surface was covered with the dolphin ornaments Gran had given to me before she died. I was only six when she passed, I can still remember all of her fairy-tale stories she used to tell me and my sister Cassy. Stories of people who weilded the five elements, shape-shifting people that caused destruction to the land and dragons that were drawn to the darkness. She used to live in Lightland Village, her old house wasn't even that far away. She said her stories were from this place and its forest. I think it was Shadow Glove Forest. That sounded right.

Dad put a hand on my shoulder. "Do you like it?"


He looked at me, confused. He raised one eyebrow and swept his gaze around, as if the bogeyman was going to jump out and eat his face. I just turned around and hugged him. "I love it!"

Legendary Series; Warriors of the elementsWhere stories live. Discover now