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Sid's POV

We only left the hospital when the doctors told us that her temperature was slowly getting back to normal, but they made a point of telling us that her heart might give out from the effort and that if she did pull through, she would be very weak for a few weeks.

Evgeni would've never left if it weren't for the fact that we had to play a game against Chicago tonight. He was very quiet the whole ride and honestly I didn't know what I should've told him. His sister was  dying, her life only holding by a thread. And when we went home he sat on the edge of his bed holding a picture frame.

It was a picture of him as a small child. He is holding a gorgeous baby wrapped in pink clothe. It took me a second to realize he was silently crying. The tears would hit the frame as he stared down at it longingly, as if wishing life was that simple again. 

It was silent for a while until he spoke with a shaky voice. He inhaled and sniffled a bit, "This was the day we brought her home," he took a deep breath, his eyes never leaving the image like it was the most precious thing in the world. "She was so beautiful and when Mama put her in my arms, I stared at her for so long. She was so peaceful, just sleeping there in my arms. She never cryed- but she was so tiny, and fragile." he laughed lightly, "One day when I was holding her, Mama asked me if I loved her, I told her that I was going to marry Abby so that I could have the most beautiful girlfriend in the world."

His eyes lit up with tears and remembrance and he smiled a bit.

I could only stand there listening to him.  I didn't want to disturb him but I knew that we had to get to the arena. It was time to play. I reached out and grasped at his shoulder. I pulled him up and I looked straight into his eyes, "She grew up strong, she'll be alright, Geno. We have to go now," I said lightly.

He nodded his head and said he would meet me at the arena. I agreed and went to get my equiptment. Thoughts of her littered my mind and I couldn't seem to focus.  I needed to  get out on the ice and forget this mess for a while. I needed to NOW.

When we finally got suited up, all the boys where pumped, though no one mentioned Geno's silence because we all knew about his sister. It was actually noticeable that the guys had quieted in respect for Evgeni. He looked fragile. We where all worried for him, but we had to push aside those feelings when we all ran out onto the ice for our warm ups.

The game had begun.


Abby's POV

I was so tired. Exhausted. And I was sick. Sick of the darkness and the empty feeling I had. I felt alone and hallow. Like there was nothing left and I needed there to be something. So I faught it. Though the exhaustion crept up on me I fought against the wave that saught to drag me down.

I pushed toward the distance. I needed to wake up and I needed to do it now. I'd been under for far too long. It felt like days. I pushed as hard as I could and I began to get feeling back in my body. I moaned in ectacy as I moved a finger. It felt so good to have control back.

It took a long time but eventually everything came back online and I opened my eyes to what looked like a steril white hospital room. I was very disoriented. When did I get here? All I remember was Evgeni hitting that boy, and then feeling upset and running. Sleeping outside all night and then making my way to a house. I was weak, so weak. And when I knocked on the door, a handsome boy opened it- and then nothing. Just blackness from there on. I didn't even know where I was.

I began to try and sit up in my bed and some little buzzer went off. A nurse came in the rrom and went wide eyed when she saw me struggling to sit up. She came and helped me, supporting my back. "You're awake!"

I nodded and then used a very rusty voice to ask for the date. "It's October 12th," she answered and I sighed, An entire day was gone, but it felt like much longer. I was sad to see Geno wasn't here when I woke up but then my eyes flew open realizing he was playing hockey.

I knew he would be freaking out, he probably didn't even know where I was. I needed to get to him. I went to swing my legs over the side of the bed when the nurse stopped me, "You are far too weak to leave the bed,"

Anger flashed on my face and my tone hardened, "If you don't get out of my way willingly, you will do it on the floor. I need to be somewhere, now." I could tell my face was intense because of her expression.

"But-" she began but never finished because I shot her a glare.

"Just get me an attendant," I pushed myself off of the bed.

"Where are you going?" she asked, seeming concerned.

I didn't turn back, "I'm going to the Arena."


Evgeni's POV

It was the second period and I was playing the worst game of my life. I should be with her but instead I'm here, playing hockey. I knew it was the most selfish thing I ever did when I refused to listen to her. She was so upset and I'll never be able to forget the look of her in that hospital bed. Her skin puffy and blue, her chest barely rising with each breath.

The doctors raced around to warm blankets and lay them ontop of her. They pressed  a button on her bed to heat it up. The whole time I felt like throwing up, I never wanted to see my sister so dead to the world. So quiet and unmoving. It disturbed me to no end and the image swirled around in my mind.

My mind kept returning to that little baby in the soft pink clothe laying in my arms. That innocence of heart and mind. That security, she was safe with me holding her close. And yet here I am, at hockey, instead of holding her hand as she meakly battled for her life. All I could think about was how fragile she was, how fragile she'd always been.

"Malkin! Get in the game! You're up!" the coach yelled. I swung my body over the bourds and skated to my position. We lined up on our side of the rink and I faced off at centre. Every movement was mechanical, every thought processed.  I couldn't focus on one thing or another.

And then WHAM! I was hit from behind and pinned to the bourds. "Keep your head up Malkin, you look like a dumbstruck bitch out here!" the guy yelled.

There was only one coherant thought in my head. Knock his fucking teeth out.

I wheeled around and nailed him directly in the jaw before he could flinch. He recoiled but I held onto his jersey as I fed him a few more in my rage and frustration. His blood was dripping down his face and he didn't even try to hit me back.

The reffs came in and pulled me off of him. When I let go he sunk to the ice and I skated off to the bench. My guys didn't cheer, they stared at me in pity and I angrily got off the ice. The coach didn't say a word. he tapped the back of my jersey as I walked past, on my way to the dressing room. I didn't wait to start throwing things, my stick, my helmet, and my gloves all came off until I looked up and saw a small figure at the end of the hallway.

She was holding a sign that said, "Malkin's #1 fan,"

My heart exploded in my chest and I only paused for a second before running to her and wrapping her in my arms. I picked her up and hugged her tighter than I ever had before. She was crying and I tightened my grip around her protectively.

"I'm so sorry," I mumbled into her shoulder.

"I know, she whispered, I am too. I love you so much big brother," she cryed into my ear.

She was okay. It was the only thing I could think about. I wouldn't even let her go. I held onto my baby sister for another hour before she told me how bad I smelled.

I laughed and pulled away.

I was so glad I had my little one back.

I knoooow soooo short again! I'm sawry :'( PWEASE FORGIVE ME!!!!! Let me know what you think!

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