Chapter Eighteen

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A/N - The picture has nothing to do with the chapter. Please ignore it for now. Also, mature content on the way! I'll give you a specific warning too. On with the chapter!

Previously - Gajeel's POV

I snarl as the second hatchling lands on my back, wrapping his arms to pin my wings and restrict my arms. We begin to descend quickly, not quite falling but close. His feline is not strong. I begin to thrash and he simply holds tighter. I manage to wrap my arm back and sink my claws into his side. He howls in pain and I push harder. "Is this how far you would go for her?!" Damn right. I rip my hand back out of him and shake him off. I grab one leg and flip him upside down, hauling his feline off him easily. I look him dead in the eye. This is your final warning, hatchling. Then I drop him. I don't release his feline until he's halfway to the water. The creature immediately races down and catches his companion before he smacks into the surface as I soar off. To my Mate.


Still Gajeel's POV

I fly through the trees as quickly as I can. I make a brief stop beside a stream to wash my claws and arms. I mustn't smell like the other hatchling. When I arrive near Mate's home, I growl to myself. The She-Devil is patrolling. She will not go down quietly. I content myself to waiting. Mid-day comes and passes. The blue cat arrives. A naked man and a man in a black cloak arrive to guard as well. I watch their patterns as the afternoon wears on. There is always at least one person along a certain wall. Mate's room must be there. As it gets close to sunset, the blue cat sits on a particular window ledge, staring down. I chuckle to myself. That makes things completely obvious.

It is almost sunset. The time is ripe. I transform myself into a shadow and travel within the long shadows of the trees crossing the lawn. I reach the shrubbery, hopping from bush shadow to bush shadow, until I've reached the dark side of the building. Still, I remain a part of the darkness until I have reached a large tree-ish shrub next to the front door. I wait until the naked man is out of sight, reform behind my leafy shelter, and step into the building.

It is completely empty. Feeling hungry, I enter through a nearby door into what appears to be a machine room of some sort and have a snack. Hunger satisfied, I slip through the halls and clamber up the stairs, following my Mate's stale scent. I hide myself as a pink haired older woman smelling of herbs exits a room, muttering to herself. I know I've found my Mate's lair when I peek around a corner and spot a card woman sitting next to a door. I am contemplating what to do next when the door opens.

Mate! She is holding a towel and speaks to the card woman before walking towards me. I sink quickly into shadow and she walks right by and disappears downstairs.

Card woman walks around the corner. "Sheesh." She slurred. "She couldn't wait for me?" I reform quickly and slam my hand against the back of her neck. She drops instantly. I make sure she's still breathing before pulling her back to the door. I slump her against the doorframe and place her barrel next to her. Then I disappear into the shadows of the barrel and wait.

As I begin to get restless, Mate returns, hair and body still slightly damp. "Some bodyguard you are." She sighs to card woman. She opens her door and disappears inside. I follow, sneaking in and staying against the wall before stopping under her desk. I have not been a shadow for this long before and am beginning to feel slightly strained. I will work on that later.

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