Chapter Eleven

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Lucy's POV

It's the third day since we started this "sleepover". Now I understand why Levy-chan was ranting about this book. If the author wanted people to learn about dragons, they could have at least written legibly! Grrrrr....

My apartment has been the guild for the past few days as nearly everyone has dropped by at some point, whether to say a quick goodbye or to ask how things are going, and some just flat out decided to crash here. Lisanna and Mira have been staying with me for about a day and a half, Juvia visited almost constantly with Wendy, Charla, and occasionally Gray, and Erza returned this morning from Sabertooth. Apparently, Sting was worried about leaving his guild unsupervised for much longer than planned, so Master offered to send Erza to check up on them periodically.

Speaking of Sting, he and Rogue dropped by yesterday. Since their mating season won't be anywhere near as bad as our dragon slayers, they're allowed out for brief periods of minimal supervision. We took a break for a couple hours and discussed various going-ons in various guilds before they left.

When Lily showed up around lunch today during his progress report, he informed us that Gajeel had lunged at Sting and Rogue almost immediately after they walked in the door. Master had subdued him before he had done more than tackle them, so little damage was done. Gajeel seemed almost as confused as everyone else and the concern now was that the season might be accelerating on top of everything already going on. This provided more than enough motivation to keep translating.

When I asked him why he thought Gajeel had acted like he did, Lily quietly admitted that he believed Gajeel had caught traces of Levy's scent on the pair and had instinctively attempted to put them in their place and stake his claim. OTP~! Now I sound like Mira....

It's getting dark now. Freed's asleep in the arm chair, cuddling the blanket Erza laid over him. The scarlet-haired Mage is asleep sitting up against the bookshelf and the Strauss sisters are curled together on my couch. Juvia, Wendy, and Charla have already left. Levy and I were working together, but she made the mistake of laying her head on her arms, so now I'm the only one awake. I decided to give my eyes a break and flipped back to the neater sections in the front of the book. It has descriptions of the journey, which are rather boring and certainly didn't help me stay awake, but the draconian history was very interesting. I was secretly hoping there would be clues to the dragons' locations, but no luck. Apparently, the author decided to be sparse on those details in order to protect mages and dragons from each other, as well as the dragons' privacies.

It takes me a while to realize I've been staring at the same page without reading anything. That's enough of that. I stretch and mark my page before getting up and covering the sleeping mages with spare blankets. I flop into bed, too tired to even turn off my desk lamp or take off my shoes. I'm almost asleep when I hear tapping on my window. Must be raining.

"Luce!" Now the rain sounds like Natsu. I imagine a cloud dropping tons of chibi Natsu's. "Lucy!" It's tapping harder now. The chibi Natsu's must be getting bigger. "Luce, open your wind-oh shit!" Suddenly there's a creaking noise and a blast of cold air a second before something heavy and warm falls on me.

"Ouch!" I bolt up, causing a large Natsu to fall on the floor. Luckily, he lands on the rug by my bed, so the thud is muted. No one so much as twitched, not even Erza. I look out my open window. "Where're all the chibi Natsu's?" I ask groggily.

"What?" Natsu asked, sitting up.

"The other Natsu's falling from the cloud."

He stares at me. "Um, Luce, are you awake right now?"

I shake my head and slap my cheeks lightly a few times before looking at him. "You're really in my house, aren't you?" I ask. He nods, still watching me. I pinch the bridge of my nose between my forefinger and thumb. "So you decided to sneak into my house again? Hey, wait a minute!" I sit up straight. "Aren't you supposed to be locked up?!"

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