The Ties that Bind

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Chapter Seven: The Ties that Bind

Their black van was pulling up as we walked out and it parked next to the bikes I saw Juice and the other guy with him who I assume was Bobby getting out of it. We walked over towards them and Juice’s eyes went wide when he saw me with Jax and Opie. “Jax why didn’t you tell me you guys have Rey with you, I could have told Maci.”

I looked at him with a surprised look, only my friends called me Rey and at this moment I did not see any of them as a friend just yet. Jax looked at me then back at Juice. “We don’t need your old lady knowing shit yet, she’ll see Reyna when we get back to TM but right now got shit that needs to be handle.”

“Jax, what the hell are you talking about?” Bobby asked as he ran his fingers through his beard. “What’s gotta be done?”

“We gotta get rid of them Russian bastards for good now. Reyna and her baby will never be safe as long as they are around.” Jax said looking over at me then back at them.

“What the fuck are we supposed to do?” Clay asked as he walked closer to Jax. “She already said she does not want our help.”

“It’s our fault she’s in this mess in the first place. Clay she’s fucking family we don’t walk away from family.” Jax snapped at him. “She’s fucking pregnant with Happy’s baby!”

Clay looked back at Happy and he looked extremely pissed. “Fine what the fuck do we do?” Clay snapped at him as he glared at me.

Jax told all the guys about the tunnel I had told him and Opie about and they were all for going through it expect Clay he was not thrilled with the idea at all. Jax had still left out the part about me having to go into the house for this to have a chance at working and I knew why. Happy stood there quiet with his arms crossed over his chest staring at Opie who was glaring at Jax again. I knew that Jax was going to have to tell them but I was wondering if he was choosing to do it right before I had to actually go in. Once Jax was done talking and explaining what they had to do everyone was basically all for it but Happy and Clay didn’t seem convinced at all.

“What’s the catch to all this?” Happy growled and everyone looked over at him. “That just seems too fucking easy and if this isn’t a set up then what’s the fucking problem you ain’t telling us about?”

“It’s not a damn set up.” I snapped at him and he turned his glare on me. “In order for this to work I have to go in the house and unlock the door for the tunnel so you guys can get in the house.”

“You are out of your fucking mind!” Happy snapped at me as he took a step forward and I quickly stepped behind Opie a little. “You ain’t going anywhere near that fucking house!”

“You cannot tell me what to do!” I snapped back at him. “If this is the only way to keep my baby safe then I will do it.”

“That is my fucking kid too and you ain’t doing anything to put my kid at risk!” he growled at me in a menacing voice that scared me as he took another step forward but Tig was quick to step in between Happy and Opie, Opie was still standing in front of me. “Get out of my fucking way!” he growled at Tig but Tig shook his head no. “You’re going to let your cousin do this shit?” he growled at Opie

“Brother ya really need to cool down.” Tig said pushing Happy back a few feet and saying something to him in a low whisper none of us could hear, Happy nodded at him as he took a few steps back.

“Reyna, I’m gonna need use of my arm again.” Opie whispered to me over his shoulder, that’s when I realized I was squeezing the shit out of his arm and was completely behind him now. “He won’t touch you, I said trust me.”

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