Chapter 3: Crocus (Cheerfulness)

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Tsuna gazed blearily at the digital clock by his bed and groaned softly.

'What's the point of setting my alarm up when I always wake up exactly one minute before it?'

The brunet sighed before shutting the alarm off before it could start beeping annoyingly.

Tsuna yawned into his hand as he walked out of his room; it was currently 6:00AM.

'Make breakfast first, leave a note for the others, go for a jog, get morning tea, find a secluded area and hack some famiglia online, and then check the missions.'

He walked into the bathroom and quickly washed up, pulling an orange t-shirt over his head and some black slacks.

Tsuna sighed as trudged down the stairs, and blinked in surprise when he found a certain skylark there, drinking green tea; the man was currently wearing a black kimono.


The said ravenet glanced up from his cup of green tea and merely nodded his head.


Tsuna smiled softly as he walked into the kitchen, pulling a few dishes out of the cabinets.

"Back from your mission already?"

There was a low growl.

"You knew that the mission would cause me to work with...him."

Tsuna sighed as he placed a pan onto the oven, turning the heat on.

"Kyoya...he's your uncle.  Haven't you told me that you've forgiven him for all he's done?"

The skylark muttered something incoherent as Tsuna started to whip up batter for some pancakes.

The brunet turned to look at Kyoya and saw the hidden message within silver-blue eyes.

*....Will he accept me?*

Tsuna gave small smile to the other.

"Of course." (He won't see you as a monster--I'm positive.)

Kyoya still looked a bit unsure, but that was hidden underneath a mask of indifference; Tsuna could still see it though and sighed softly.

The brunet shook a can of whipped cream and sprayed a bit onto his finger; he suddenly whipped it onto Kyoya's nose, who jerked his head back slightly in surprise.

Tsuna chuckled as the other scowled at him before wiping the cream off; the skylark simply ate it to avoid wasting.

"Have some faith.  I visit your uncle almost every morning--and I can read people very well."

Kyoya gazed at the other before sighing, becoming silent throughout the rest of the time.

Tsuna finished up with the pancakes, omelets, sausages, and bacon.

He turned the stove off and washed his hands at the sink, calling over his shoulder to Kyoya.

"Please tell the others that'll I'll be at the usual place in the morning and to go to one of my hideouts when I'm hacking."

Kyoya merely nodded his head slightly and continued to sip his tea.

Tsuna walked out of the kitchen and to the doorway, grabbing a black jacket along the way.

"Ja, mata ne, Kyoya-kun." (I'll see you later, Kyoya-kun.)


The brunet exited the mansion.


Tsuna watched his breath fog up into the air.

''s quite chilly here in Venice...'

The brunet glanced up at the gray sky as he continued to jog through the empty streets.

He passed by a few shops before slowing down to a traditional Chinese one.

He silently slid the door open.

"Welco--ah!  Tsunayoshi-kun!"

The brunet lifted his gaze and spotted a familiar face, but it had a warm smile on it; the man was dressed in a red, Chinese robe.

"Ohaiyo, Fon-san."

Fon smiled as he set a tray down on the counter.

"The usual?"

Tsuna nodded and headed over to a corner in the restaurant, pulling a chair back.

He sat down and took the time to observe the rest of the restaurant.

In the mafia, Tsuna was also known as Lo Spettatore, or 'the Onlooker'.

He was known for his sharp observations--a single glimpse of an offensive move and he could immediately defeat it.

He saw how some people were slouched--they had a rough day--some were sighing softly with a smile on their lips--the tea was comforting--and others had distant eyes--they were thinking about something.

"Here's your order."

Tsuna blinked his eyes and looked up at Fon with a small smile.

"Ah.  Arigatou, Fon-san."

The ravenet smiled before leaving the other, deciding to take care of the other customers.

Tsuna took a sip of the jasmine tea and smiled.

'Fon-san can make the best tea in Venice.'


"Sayonara, Fon-san!"

"Sayonara, Tsunayoshi-kun!  Stay safe!"

Tsuna was about to leave the restaurant before pausing; he quickly jogged over to Fon and rummaged through his pocket.

Fon blinked in surprise at what the brunet pulled out.

"A crocus?  'Cheerfulness'?"

Tsuna gave a small smile to the other.

"You didn't seem to be like your usual self, Fon-san."

Fon stilled before smiling with slight bitterness.

"I see..." 'That man that I worked with on my most recent mission...he reminds me so much of my nephew...'

The martial artist then took the flower and bowed in Tsuna's direction.


Tsuna smiled and bowed in return.

"No problem."

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