To Be or Not To Be

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A/N: "I need a voice to echo, I need a light to take me home. I kinda need a hero. Is it you?" Who sings this song? Comment who you think the artist is :)


Declan ran his hand anxiously through his brown locks as he stalked through the hallways, unsure of what he was going to do today. He had spent a great amount of his time last night arguing with himself about what he should do about what had happened yesterday. He had to apologize to Elise and try to explain himself so she wouldn't see him as the monster he so didn't want to be. But then again, maybe now she would finally leave him alone like he wanted. Who cared if he had to look like the bad guy if she would finally stop pestering him? Right? This was just a small price to pray for the kind of peace he wanted. Right? However... Did he really want Elise to think of him as...that? Was he really willing to allow that? He couldn't help but flinch as the scene of him looking as if he were going to...beat Elise...popped into his head. No, it wasn't a 'small' price to pay, it was a big price to pay. Declan wasn't a violent type of person; he couldn't hurt anyone physically-wise. So shouldn't the real truth be exposed instead of this big mistake?

Ugh, Declan wanted nothing more than to just rip his own hair out. Having a mental debate with oneself was exhausting and honestly quite irritating. The bell had finally rung, signaling that first period had started. Declan sat down in his usual corner back seat where no one could notice him, but he could notice everyone. He scanned the classroom, telling himself that he was just looking around out of pure curiosity, not because he was looking for someone in particular. Nope, he was most definitely not on the lookout for a certain brunette with light brown eyes. Before Declan could continue lying to himself, a petite, brown-haired female walked into the classroom with her eyes glued to the carpet floor. Elise's shoulders were hunched over as she hugged her arms around her thin waist and she found her way to her desk in the middle of the classroom. Declan could only grimace at the thought that she only looked so frightened because of what happened between them yesterday.

Throughout the whole hour of class, Declan couldn't concentrate on applying optimization to figure out the rate of a growing radius because his eyes and mind were too focused on the small girl in front of him. She hadn't turned back once to spare him a single glance. Wait, why did he care? This was what he wanted, right? To be or not to be? That was the question. Oh god, all of this over-thinking was making him go insane!


At the very sound of the ringing bell, Declan was seen throwing his notebook and pencil into his backpack swiftly and carelessly as he nearly sprinted for the door. He was almost out, he could feel the cool breeze barely touch his face; however, a female voice had called him back.


Declan cursed to himself before turning back with a forced grin. So close...He thought.

"Yes, Mrs. Hunt?"

Mrs. Hunt was Declan's calculus teacher and she was also a good one at that. She was cold and serious, but she sure knew her math. Her black curly hair was up in a ponytail and her pink, full lips were pursed as she looked him up and down with her dark brown eyes. Finally, after a few seconds of silence, she spoke.

"Elise here needs a tutor and she suggested you as one."

Declan and everyone else in the room could hear the popping noise coming from his jaw dropping to the ground. Was he hearing things? Did Elise seriously just suggest him as a tutor? What person in his or her right mind would even think to come near him after what had happened?! It was official now, Elise was insane! 

Declan cleared his throat. "Um, I'm sorry, Mrs. Hunt. I don't think that I can..." 

Mrs. Hunt tilted her head questioningly at him. "Do you now? Is it because you don't understand the information either?" 

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