Chapter 7

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Okay, I know I said I would write longer chapters but for this story I am really running low on ideas for each chapter, so until I get ideas for longer chapters or I finish the story, they will be short chapters. I have also had ideas for another story so I have been writing a draft chapter for that as well. Anyway Chapter;

Leo's P.O.V

Okay, so we now know why Trent is bullying Chase. For homework.

"Chase? Why didn't you just deny doing Trent's homework?" I ask him.

"I tried." Chase pointed to his new black eye.


"Don't worry, now we now pretty much everything so we can help you." Bree said, standing up.


We walked through the front door and Chase plonked down on the couch. Me, Adam and Bree head down to the lab to talk to Mr Davenport.

"Big D!" I yell causing Mr Davenport to jump and drop what he was working on.

"What?!" He screams, looking annoyed.

"We know why Chase is being bullied." Bree walks up behind me.

Mr Davenport's expression changed.

"Really? Why then?" He asks.

"He's doing Trent's homework for him." I say.

"What?! Why?!" Big D puts everything down.

"I have no idea. Oh wait, he's the smartest guy in world and he isn't the strongest?" I reply sarcastically.

"Alright, sorry!" Big D puts his hands up in defence.

"Well what do we do?" Bree asks.
"I may have an idea." Big D grins. "Wait here." He runs to the lift and goes up.
"Do we wait here or follow him?" I ask Bree and Adam.
"Eh, let's just wait here Leo. Let Mr Davenport help Chase." Adam replies.
"Okay, fine." I reply.

Bree starts to text Owen while Adam and I tried to create amazing food combinations.After about an hour, Mr Davenport and Chase walk into the lab. Bree quickly puts her phone away and runs up to them.

"So? What's Mr Davenport's idea this time?" Bree questioned.

Big D smiled at Chase and Chase smiled back.

"Oh, don't worry Bree." Chase chuckled.

"Don't you, 'don't worry me', Mister." Bree gives Chase a friendly punch in the arm.
"Right, bed time!" Big D yells.
We all groan but reluctantly go to bed anyway.

The Next Day at Mission Creek High:

Adam's P.O.V

"So what's your plan Chase?" Bree asks Chase for the billionth time."No way Bree. You'll find out soon enough." Chase stalks off to his locker.
After algebra me, Bree and Leo walk into the locker room and see Chase handing Trent a pile of homework with a smile on his face. We walk over after Trent left.
"Chase? I thought you had a plan." I say, concerned.
He just laughed and said, "Oh but I do."

"Well? Can we know now?" Leo asks.

"I'll tell you after lunch!" Chase then leaves us again.
Chase meets us by my locker after lunch like he said he would.
"No more excuses! TELL. US. NOW!" Bree pulls Chase over.
"Wait." Chase points over to Trent's classroom. "3. 2. 1."
We hear shouting coming from his classroom.

"All the answers wrong, Trent! I thought you were improving!" We hear Mrs Trump yell.

"What! But I did get them right!" Trent replies.

"Not according to my answer sheet." Mrs Trump says.
"But, but, but-" Trent stutters.
"No buts! After school detention for 3 days!" Trent walks out the classroom, glum.
Me, Leo and Bree turn back to Chase, laughing.
"You gave him wrong homework?" Leo laughs.
"Yeah!" Chase giggles. "I also heard that Mrs Trump is giving him a tutor!"
And over the next few weeks, Trent left Chase alone.

Okay, sorry for the crappy ending but I couldn't think of any more ideas for chapters. Also, I have had more ideas for another story, so keep an eye out for it!

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