Chapter One

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Chase's P.O.V

I groaned as I woke up and got out of my capsule. Adam was being so annoying last night! I quickly got dressed and headed upstairs for breakfast.

"What would you like?" Tasha asked, handing Leo a bowl of cereal, Bree some toast and Adam his Powered Sugar O's.

"I'm not hungry." I said, packing up my bag and waiting for the others on the couch.

"Oh, okay." Tasha started clearing up and everyone else got up and we headed to school.

At Mission Creek:

Me, Adam, Leo and Bree were hanging out by the lockers when Adam asked me to arm-wrestle. We walked over to the table in the middle of the room and we got ready.

"Alright," Leo started, "I want a clean game. No screaming, crying, whining or tapouts." He paused then turned to me, "I'm looking at you Chase."

"Stand back Leo, you're in the splatter zone." Bree pulled Leo back.

"Okay, go!" Leo said and I licked my hand, grabbed Adams and slammed it down.

"Hey, no fair he licked his hand!" Adam whined.

"Yeah, clever beats strong any day!" I smiled.

Adam wiped his hand on Bree who then wiped it on Leo.

"Chase wins!" Leo held up my hand. "Wait, which hand d'you lick?" He asked.

"That one." I replied pointing to the hand he had lifted up.

He wiped his hand on my shirt and lifted up my other hand.

"Chase wins!" Leo announced again. Then the bell rang.

"Well, see you later guys." Bree walked off to her own classroom.

Soon Leo and Adam did the same and I was left by the lockers. It was my free period today, so I starting getting my extra credit works from my locker to finish them when I heard someone slam their fist on a locker next to me. I put my work back in and shut my locker. I looked up and who could I see? Trent. I guess it was my turn. Trent had been bullying people one by one, and you would never know if you would be next.

"Hey nerd." Trent said, blocking my path.

"C-Can you move, please?" I stuttered.

"What was that? Move? No can do." Trent replied then punched me in the stomach.

Yep, definitely my turn I thought as Trent walked away...

There was Chapter One! Hope you enjoyed it and I will try and update as much as I can.

Bullied - Chase DavenportWhere stories live. Discover now