My Dream Boy Is Real?! (1)

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I walk in the library from the pouring rain wile putting the flaps of my umbrella down. I take my books out of my coat. Every body looks straight at me except a boy at the end with a book in his face. The book had two boys kissing and the title was blurry. I couldn't read it. I walked to the librarian and put my books down.

"Well hello Kendall! How was the book?" The library lady asked wile tightining her bun with white greyish hair.

"Hi" I flashed at the boy sitting there.

"We got new love books at the love shelf."

"Ok thank you"

I went to to the self and grabbed a book with a boy and a girl kissing in the rain. I sat by the cute boy but he barely noticed me. I tapped his shoulders. He turned immidietly at me with big green eyes, dirty blond hair, cutest dimples ever and the best smile I've ever seen.



"I'm Kendall"

"I'm Ri-"

"Wake up!!!"

I opened my eyes and saw a blurry little girl in front on me. She was squeezing my sides and shaking me crazily.

"What!!!!" I yelled nearly making her fall.

"Wake up! It's time for breakfast.

"Ok thanks Makensie." I got up and put my contacts on then rushed down stairs where I saw my mom in an apron cooking eggs and bacon.

"Why hello deer., I made you breakfast sweetie.

"Thankes mom. I'll be back I'm ganna go get some milk." And I walked out the door. It was a little foggy but I hopped on my bike and headed out. It was hard to see but I knew my way there. Suddenly I felt drops pouring down my face. It was raining rapidly and I had to stop. Before I was able to hop off I fall and scraped my knee. I didn't want to get up so I just layed there like a worthless piece of trash. I saw two guys running towards me. Then I blacked out.


"She looks fumiliar."

"Whatever dude! It's a hot girl!"

"What should we do to her?!"

"Let's kidnap her!"

"No!! She's from my dream!!!!"

I woke up to two hotties. One had green eyes and hot dirty blonde hair into a messy mohawk. He's from my dream! He's real!

Authors note; hey guys! This is my first chapter and its kinda wierd but ok:) I hope you like it and my other one got ear asked so:(

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