1. Meeting Mike

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I hate them. I absolutely hate EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. I know that hate's a strong word and all, but it's the kindest word that I can use to describe how I felt towards Freddy and his friends. All I had wanted to do was get a simple job to help pay the bills. Just moving out of the house kind of forced me to find work. I had signed up to have a simple job at a friendly children's restaurant. Clearly, fate had other plans for me.

I had to search for FOREVER to land a job that didn't require all that much experience or skill other than one at those chain fast food restaurants. A pizzeria wasn't much better, but at least it wasn't McDonald's. Ugh. I'm a big fan of unhealthy food like the stuff they sell there, but I definitely do not want to be the one cooking or selling that food. I took the night shift, which would turn out to be a huge mistake.

I walked into the building during the day as the boss had told me to. I searched through the crowd of people for an employee. Eventually, I saw someone wearing a badge. According to the boss during my interview, the badge was pretty much the only item of uniform. "Hi, I'm (Y/N). I'm taking the night shift tonight, and I was wondering if there was anyone who could show me around?" The employee turned around. "Oh, you must be the newbie. Hey, my name's Michelle. Mike over there's going to be working the shift with you, boss called him in earlier specifically to give you a tour before your shift started."

I thanked Michelle and walked over to Mike, who was leaning up against the wall watching Freddy and his band perform onstage with a blank stare. I cleared my throat to get his attention, but he didn't notice. I ended up having to tap on his shoulder for him to notice me, which caused him to jump about a million feet in the air.

"Ah!" he exclaimed. He quickly turned and shoved me. "Dude! Geez, sorry! I didn't mean to scare you." "Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I... hadn't seen you there..." He mumbled something about closing doors as he helped me up. "So, I'm guessing you're Mike?" I asked. "Yeah, you must be (Y/N). I'm here to give you a tour of the place before the shift tonight." Mike replied. He motioned for me to follow him, and he began showing me all the main rooms.

After the tour, he said that he'd explain how the night shift worked once it started. I thanked him and went home to rest for a few hours before the shift. Mike waved and hopped into his car, and I assumed that he was doing the same. If only I knew what the night would hold.

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