Chapter 4

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I wake up to see Newt beside me and memories of last night come rushing back to me. I smile at the thought of it. I get up, careful not to wake him. I find the shirt he discarded last night and put it on so I'm not completely naked. I lay back down next to him and he wraps his arm around me, pulling me close to him. I notice that he now has his boxers on. He must have woken up and had the same thoughts I did.

Shuck. Why did she have to put a shirt on. Newt says.

"Well I didn't want Minho to come in and see me so yeah." I say.

"Wait, you heard me say that?" He asks, his eyes widening.

"Yes, was I not supposed to?"

"I didn't tell you that. I just thought it. Did you read my mind?" He says

"I don't know think something else."

Minho better not find out I did you know what with her or the whole Glade will know in 5 seconds.

"Woah. I can read your mind." I say

"Let me try to read your mind." He says

I wouldn't mind sitting here all day looking at his abs. Yeah, I could get used to that. Oh shoot. I hope he can't read my mind. Maybe he won't have heard that. Ugh! Stupid, stupid, stupid.

"I like being able to read your mind babe." He says and my face heats up.

Well this sucks. Now I can't think about how much I want to kiss you anymore. I think, knowing he'll hear it.

I don't mind you thinking that. He says with a smirk.

Do you think we can read each others minds because of what we did? I ask

I don't know but I'm glad I can. Let's go eat breakfast though I'm starving.

We get up and I brush my hair and he gives me a pair of pants. When we are both dressed, we walk downstairs to the kitchen

Man I really want some bacon. Newt thinks.

I think Frypan has some made. At least I hope he does. I say.

"Hey guys. You look happy today. Wait did you?" He says.

How did he guess that from us being happy? I ask.

"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me." He imitates zipping his lips. My face heats up and I look at the ground.

"Here is your food." He says and he gives us fruit and eggs and bacon.

Yay bacon! I yell in my head

"Ow. You're really loud" Newt says.

Sorry I forgot you can read my mind. I walk in front of him.

Shuck she looks hot in my shirt. I here Newt say.

Thanks I guess? I think.

Ugh I keep forgetting you can read my mind now. I have to filter my thoughts now.

It's completely fine with me babe. I say as I sit down next to Minho and Thomas. Newt sits across from me.

"So love birds, why are you so happy looking?" Thomas jokes.

Please shut up Thomas. Newt begs even though Thomas can't hear him.

Don't say one word Minho PLEASE. I think.

"Wait, did you two, you know?" Minho asks, raising his eyebrows.

"No!" We both say at the same time.

Oh shuck now they're gonna know Newt thinks.

"You did! I was right Thomas! You owe me your bacon!" Minho screams

I elbow him in the side with my good arm. "Please don't tell!" I beg him

"Ok but I'm going to need your bacon to Logan." I reluctantly give him my bacon. Then I steal some of Newt's.

Hey! That's mine.

Well Minho took mine and its your secret to so... I say

Fine but give me some of your eggs.

Then I get to have the rest of your bacon. I reach over to take it and he swats my hand away

No you can have half. He says

Ok but Minho better keep his word.

He will Newt says

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