Chapter 2

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I wake up to Newt shaking my shoulder.

"It's time." He says with a grim expression.

"Ok." I say, getting up off the comfy hammock. Newt advised me to take a nap before my night in the maze.

We walk to the opening to the giant wall. The leader, I learned his name was Alby, stares me down. I walk to the entrance and turn around.

"I can't believe my time here is coming to an end. I will forever cherish our memories together. Just know that I love each and every one of you." I say sarcastically. This earns a roar of laughter from everyone but Newt, Minho, and Alby. Alby shoves me toward the entrance.

"Well I guess this is it." I say to Newt.

"Don't say that. I'll see you tomorrow morning, bright and early." He says smiling. I smile back at him and turn on my heal to face the maze. I take the first step in. Then soon I am all the way inside the menacing walls.


After an hour or two of walking, I start hearing a mechanical clicking noise. It's faint so I ignore it. Then I gets louder. Soon I turn around to see a giant slug looking thing with arms of tourture sticking out of every available space on its slimy body. I stare at it in shock for a minute, then I run. I soon hear it rolling after me at an alarming pace. It grabs my ankle with one of its arms and pulls me towards it. Another arm slices my forearm down to the bone. I scream in pain. With my good arm, I take the knife out of my pocket and slice the arm that is holding my leg. It drops me and I start running. I turn corner after corner, left and right, until I come to a large cliff. At last minute I turn to the side and watch as the Griever falls to its death down the hill. I turn and sit down to catch my breath. With the knife I cut off half of my shirt, leaving everything but just under my bra uncovered. I take the piece of cloth and wrap it tight right above the wound to slow the bleeding. Shivering from the sudden gust of wind and lack of proper clothing, I soon fall asleep, the adrenaline rush from before quickly leaving me.

I wake up to some more clicking, but I stay perfectly still and the sound fades away. I get up and see that it is almost daylight. I check the watch Newt gave me to see that it is 4:47. Around fifteen minutes until the doors open for the day. I start walking, carful to avoid anymore Grievers along the way. I hear the sound of stone scraping across stone. Then it stops, signaling that the doors are all the way open. I turn two more corners to see that the Gladers are waiting for my return by the door. Everyone looks astonished that I made it through the night.

"What happen to your shirt?" Newt asks me telepathically. I hold out my arm for him to see.

"I ran into a Griever."

"It didn't kill you?" He says out loud.

"No but I cut my arm pretty bad." I glance over at the wound and feel bile rising in my throat. I swallow it down.

"Nobody has ever escaped a Griever or survived a night in the Maze. What happened to the Griever?" Minho asks

"I cut is arm off and it chased me and then I tricked it and it fell down a cliff."

"I don't believe you." Alby says.

I pull out the Grievers arm from my back pocket. I found it on the way back. "Proof enough?" I ask smugly as I show of the arm.

"That's enough. We have to see her arm." Clint, the head med-jack says to no one in particular. I walk over to Newt and we both follow Clint to the medical room thingy.

"Ok, I'm going to clean it and it may sting a little." He pours anti-bacterial solution onto the wound and I fight to hold back tears. I press myself into Newt and squeeze his hand until the pain is gone. Then Clint puts stitches in it and then he wraps it up tight in gauze.

"Ok, time for bed Logan." Newt scolds me. I have been up almost the whole night.

"Will you lay with me?" I ask, not wanting Clint to hear about our sleeping arrangements.

"Anything for you." He says and we start walking to his room in the Homestead. We walk up the stairs and into his room. He gives me a pair of his boxers and one of his shirts as my clothes are all dirty. I put them on and settle into the hammock. He takes off his shirt a lays down behind me. I turn to face him and he wraps his arm around my torso.

"I love you." He whispers in my mind.

"I love you too." I say just as my eyes close.

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