Ch 15- The Many Reasons...

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Maria's tired eyes snapped open.

Had she heard him right? Was the fever making her delirious? Had she finally gone crazy?

"Wh-what did you say?" Maria whispered, slightly pulling back.

They looked each other in the eyes as a pause hung in the air for a moment.

"Do you trust me?" Sebastian asked, breaking the silence.

"You did not answer my question," Maria replied.

"You did not answer mine," Sebastian smiled.

"Ye-yes, I trust you. Now, please... Sebastian!" Maria exclaimed as Sebastian suddenly stood with her cradled in his arms, her long legs resting on his hips and her arms still around his neck as he held her closer to him. "Sebastian, what are you doing?"

Sebastian walked over to the window, ignoring her question, and opened it. He starred out into the stormy night, as if contemplating something, before placing a foot on the window sill.

"Sebastian?" Maria called quietly, afraid he was going to jump out the window.

"Do you still trust me?" Sebastian asked.

Maria's breath became slightly quicker as she nodded.

Suddenly, two black, bird like wings came out of Sebastian's back and flared out before slightly resting against his back. Maria's eyes slightly widened.

"Sebastian, please do not... Aggggghhhhh!" Maria screamed as Sebastian tensed his muscles and jumped out the window. (Mind you, this is a Victorian mansion, so the windows push out or pull in instead of up or down)

A nock came to the door of Sebastian's office, and when no one answered, Claude walked into the room and saw the open window.

"Honestly.... He could have at least closed the window," Claude said as he walked to the window, closed it, and picked up the few scattered papers that had blown off the desk from the sudden winds. He then walked out of the room and closed the door behind him, going back to his own room and mate.

Maria buried her head against Sebastian's shoulder as she felt the ground rushing at them. After a moment, when she did not feel the impact of the ground, she lifted her head slightly and blinked against the falling rain as she realized they were going up instead of down.

"Do you think I let out my wings for nothing?" Sebastian chuckled, making her realize that they were flying.

Maria tried not to look down as she held Sebastian harder, making him chuckle again.

Sebastian landed easily on solid ground, loosening his grip on Maria slightly. He then placed her small feet atop his neatly polished shoes so that the rain would not soak through her slippers.

Maria pulled back slightly and looked around, trying to see through the cold, heavy, rain,realizing they were now on the roof.She became puzzled for a moment before Sebastian finally spoke.

"I brought you up here for a reason," he said.

"And what is that?" Maria asked, blinking away the rain droplets that fell into her azure eyes.

"So when I tell you what I am about to tell you, you will not try to run away," Sebastian explained, holding her a little bit tighter and using his large, black wings to shield them both from the rain and Maria's back and front from the raging winds. Even when he arched his wings above their heads, they still nearly touched the roof top.

"What makes you think I would run?" Maria asked as she looked through the darkness, which her eyes easily let her see through, up at Sebastian.

"Because I know you better than you think," Sebastian replied, holding her full against him now. Maria could hear the heavy, steady beat of his thundering heart. "You know, some people say their heart will only beat for one person. However, I have the pleasure of being able to say that my heart did not beat until I met you." Maria's eyes widened slightly. "I think you are finally ready to know why I took you and kept you alive all this time."

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