Ch 14- Memeries of a Past, Both New and Old

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(Eighteen or So Years Ago)

Sebastian did not know what to make of the tug he felt as his contract symbol glowed on his black gloved hand.

Then, as he materialized into the dark room, a dark smile pulled at his already smirking lips.

He had known immediately that Elizabeth was pregnant. Not just from her protruding stomach, but from the tiny heartbeats resounding from within her. Twins, it would seem.

One of the heartbeats seemed louder than the other to him, but he brushed it off as nothing.

Sebastian had long since wanted to get revenge on the man who had humiliated him and nearly turned him into a slave for all eternity. He may have gotten half of Ciel's company in the new deal, but that was simply not enough.

So, what better way to get back at Ciel than to take something that would be precious to him?

His mind was set on what he wanted even before Elizabeth had mentioned their contract.

(A Few Months Later)

Sebastian watched from the shadows he was so accustomed to as the semi young blond was giving birth to her first child. The four people in the room were too preoccupied to notice his presence, and even if they did, they said nothing.

Sebastian waited expectantly when the first child was born as a male. He had seen inside of Elizabeth's womb. He knew what was coming next.

He smiled from the shadows as Elizabeth restarted the much quicker process of releasing their second child. His smile broadened when he heard the small feminine cry, and it took full force when the baby was announced to be a girl.

However, upon hearing her cry, a strange feeling came to him he had never felt before. This was a feeling he could not brush off, but he was able to push it aside.

His prize was born. Her intoxicating scent filled the air, nearly making him take her then and there, but he composed himself.

That composure nearly broke when he saw the tail swishing out from under her pink blanket, but he held on.

Sebastian watched the scene carefully.

Elizabeth and Ciel were shocked, to say the least, and the room fell in silence after Mey-Rin left to answer the door.

What surprised Sebastian, though, was how quickly they excepted their daughter. They even gave her the name Maria, which meant 'Beautiful' in Italian. Although, in some languages, it meant 'Bitter'. From the smell of her, Sebastian knew the Italian meaning was a better fit.

Sebastian brushed it off, however, when Ciel was called out of the room, taking the newborn boy with him. Now was his chance.

"That really is such a pretty name," Sebastian said, allowing himself to detach from the shadows and appear into the room. Elizabeth gave an addible gasp as he appeared. "Maria. I rather like saying that. It really rolls off the tongue."

He really did like saying her name. It reminded him of his time in Italy.

Sebastian walked over to the bed and reached his arms out for the child bundled in her mother's arms.

Anger bubbled its way to the surface as Elizabeth tried to deny him holding what was rightfully his by holding the child closer to her chest.

"Are you forgetting our deal?" Sebastian asked, his voice hiding his anger well.

Elizabeth blanched and handed him the child.

The moment the warm bundle touched his gloved hands, volts of electricity flowed up his arms. It intensified when he laid the tiny creatures head into the crock of his long, muscular arm. Her head fit just right.

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