When I Panic

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Why am I stressed?
Why am I freaking out?
Why does this bother me?

It'll happen eventually
Why not now?

I asked for help
So why am I mad?

I can't figure it out
I just know I'm about to explode

Sick of secrets and pretending
But scared of shedding that protection

And I run to you
How can you help?

With so much distance between us
I didn't want to keep getting hurt

Yet when times are tough
And I'm sinking ever lower

I find I turn to you
When I'm locked in panic mode

There's plenty of others
Who I could find strength from
Closer and nearer
Some harder to lose

But when I'm scared beyond thought
And I don't know what to do
You're the one I trust
To pull me off that cliff

Burdened: Vol. #11Where stories live. Discover now