Why Bother

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Why do I bother
Every time I turn away
Barely a step gone
You're hounding at my faults
Where did I go wrong?

I don't wonder
Whether I made a mistake
Instead I fret
Over what mistake I made
I know it'll manifest soon

For nothing is perfect in your eyes
Nothing touched by me
I'm just a disappointment to cover up
And sweep out the back door

A blot upon your public reputation
You can't wait to forget I exist
Erasing all traces of me
Like a shameful secret you try to deny

The slightest connection
The slightest fault
And I'm sorry I ever made an effort
Because I can only do wrong

You say you love me
Want me here
But if I'm so imperfect to you
So hopeless-
I see through your lies

For you can't wait for the week to end
For me to leave awhile
Nor can you wait
For the day I don't return

Why do I bother?
After all these years
When every time I'm here
We both wish that I wasn't

Why do I bother? Some people never change...

Burdened: Vol. #11Where stories live. Discover now