Following Dad's Footsteps: Chapter 3

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  • Dedicated to Mejia, who encourages me to bring out my violent side.

As I stepped outside the main door of the apartment complex, I stopped to get my car keys out of my pockets.

"Sir, you shouldn't be leaving at this hour," a composed male voice told me, and I looked up to see one of Chief Waters' deputies standing a few feet away from me.

"Sorry," I lied, looking up at him with a sheepish look on my face, "it's just that my wife and I just ran out of diapers, so she wants me to run to the market."

Nice, my voice complimented me; I didn't know we could lie on the spot like that and actually pull it off.

The deputy nodded his head in understatement, "You can't argue with your wife unless you want to be back at your mother's again," he mused. I laughed along with him, until he patted me on the the back, "Go get those diapers, but stay safe." With that, the annoying man left.

I rolled my eyes as his form walked farther and farther away from me.

Back to business, my voice reminded me.

I grinned. Back to business. The highlight of my day.

Getting into my car, I reached over and took the map from the glove compartment. So far, there were nineteen giant red X's on  the map, but after tonight, there would be twenty.

Just to have 'proof' to the annoying police officer, I ran to the nearest drug store and picked up the cheapest diapers they had.

As I was checking out, the lady kept pestering me about how that particular brand of diapers always gave her baby a rash.

I didn't care, and her pointless babble irritated me.

"My wife specifically told me to get this brand; maybe your baby is just too sensitive?" I didn't mean to sound like a jerk, but this lady was seriously getting on my last nerves.

The lady's eyes narrowed, "That will be $4.39, sir."

Her hand opened out to me and I shoved a five dollar bill into her hand. She opened to cash register up and started to take out my change.

"Keep the change, you need it to buy diapers that don't give your loser baby a rash." And with that, I walked out of Walgreen's.

I pressed the unlock button on my car and threw the diapers into the backseat; I wouldn't ever use them or need them, for that fact.

When I was about ten minutes away from my planned victims attack, that annoying lady kept creeping into my mind.

I quickly pulled over and banged my head onto the steering wheel, causing the car horn to blare.

My head shot up and hit the low ceiling on my car.


Glaring at the mental picture of the lady and my voice hissed to me: If she was less pestering, we wouldn't be so distracted.

I had to agree on that.

I turned around my car and drove towards the Walgreen's again.

I guess my original plans were going to have to wait.

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