Look, I was Tired, Ok?

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“I just love your computer,” Marissa said dreamily.

“Yeah, uh huh, it’s pretty sweet I guess,” I said, starting to drift off.  Staying up till unreasonable hours the night before your friend comes over is not the best idea ever.  Luckily, Marissa didn’t really care, she was too fascinated with my computer.

Before I knew it I had fallen asleep, and I was having a dream within a dream.  Hey!  I didn’t know those were actually possible…how exciting.  Anyway, I was on a very large playground/obstacle course thing, and I was holding a wand.  Apparently my mind is convinced I’m a wizard… Well I won’t object as long as my powers don’t suddenly disappear when I’m trying to save the world or something.

In fact, I guess that’s what I was supposed to be doing now, in this dream within a dream.  I sure was an athletic wizard, anyway.  I was using one arm to hurl myself across a set of monkey bars, and each time I swung I knocked a different man off the playground and into a pool of sharks.  Every once in a while I would zap someone with my wand; I must say, I was having quite a time. 

I came to the end of the monkey bars, swung off of them, and did a double backflip, landing behind the entrance to the slide.  Somehow I just knew there was something, goodness knows what, that I had to destroy, waiting for me at the end of that bright yellow slide.

I let myself have a small hero moment before I began my slide down.  I stood up straight, lifted my head high, and slowly pulled out my sunglasses and put them on.  The “camera” in my brain zoomed out, and my imaginary spotlight shone right on me.  I took two steps toward the slide and gave the camera a hero’s smile before crawling into the slide and beginning my descent, possibly to my doom.

Yes.  I was going… I could feel the adrenaline pumping.  Yes!  Yes!  I was almost there now…so close…I could see the light at the end of this tunnel.  WHAT WOULD LIE AHEAD?  I rounded the final corner and, to my amazement…


“What the…” I sat up and rubbed my eyes groggily.

“You have a friend over, get out of the bed!”

Oh.  It was my dad.  Apparently he wasn’t too happy that I had dozed off while Marissa was over.  Not that she cared.

And I didn’t even get to find out what was at the end of that pretty yellow slide. 

This is the part where all of you emotional ones out there start bawling your eyes out and say, “She was so close!  She could see the end!  All she wanted was to save the world!  Why?  WHY?!”

Nah I’m just kidding.  So yeah.  That’s the end of the dream.  I know I left you hanging…but hey, I don’t make the rules here.  I’m not really sure who does…now that I think about it.  Hmm.

Dream On - The Dreams of a Crazy TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now