"You're in prison, Chump"

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“Where am I?” I said wearily. 

“You’re in prison, chump,” a man in an orange jumpsuit replied.

“Why?” I asked, still trying to get my senses up and running again.

“How should I know?” the man said.

“What is the point of all this?!” I heard someone else yell.

“CAMERON???” suddenly all my senses came alert.

“Micaela!  Finally someone I recognize in here!”

“What are you doing here?”

“I was about to ask you the same thing!”

“Well, uh, let’s get out of here!”

For some reason, the door two our jail cell was wide open and some sort of food cart was sitting outside of it.  The lady pushing it looked at me with a face that practically screamed “Just get in the cart, that’s how you’re supposed to escape.”  So I got it the cart.

“Wait,” Cameron said, “I have to get the kerosene!”

“What kerosene?” I said, confused.

Before he had time to answer he was running back toward our prison cell to find this kerosene he was looking for.  And we were so close to escaping…

By the time Cameron got his kerosene the “cops” had been notified of our escape.  And when I say “cops”, I mean my grandma, my parents, some long lost friend of theirs, and my aunt.  So in other words, half of my family was now chasing after us as we desperately tried to escape the prison.

By some miracle, a family of red heads was waiting outside the building when we ran outside, and they all started screaming at us to get in the car.  So we did.  And somehow we ended up ok.  I try not to question why something happened the way it did as long as it doesn’t end badly. 

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